Slant Six Forum

Dash Gauge swap
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Author:  n4dxx [ Tue May 09, 2017 5:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Dash Gauge swap

I have a 86' D-150 And it had the lights for the temp and oil pressure i put the factory mechanical gauges in from another used instrument panel and they do nothing as i expected it would..Does anyone have a diagram of the oil and temp sensors so i can see what changes i have to make to get them working?Thanks in advance.

Author:  DadTruck [ Thu May 11, 2017 1:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

when I re-newed the 83 D150 I swapped in a gauge cluster from a 1990 D150,, that swap upgraded the speedo from an 85 mph to a 100 mph, added a trip odometer as well as the variable oil pressure and temperature gauges, changed the ampmeter to a voltmeter, retained a fuel gauge,, that also had some changes.

the 1983 D150 gauge cluster with oil pressure and temperature idiot lights routed the voltage to the gauges through a 5 volt limiter.

the 1990 D150 gauge cluster runs the gauges off 12 volts.

assuming your variable gauges are from a 12 V gauge cluster, this is how mine are wired

oil pressure gauge has three wires from L to R

L oil pressure sending unit
M ground
R 12V power in

temp gauge has three wires from L to R

L temperature sending unit
M ground
R 12V power in

I remember having to change out the engine mounted oil pressure and temperature sensors, get the ones for a 1990 D150 and you should be good.

The OHM's resistance on the fuel level gauge also changed from the 83 to the 1990 gauge clusters, but I swapped in a 1990 fuel tank with the renew. If you swap in a new gauge cluster you will need to understand the OHM's resistance in use for the fuel level gauge that you have.

If you choose to swap in a complete 1990 gauge cluster send me a PM and I will send you a diagram that I worked out for the wiring. From 83 to 1990 the speedo changed from a cable driven unit in 83 to a electro-mechanical unit in 1990, but that made the addition of cruse control that much easier.


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