Slant Six Forum

Distributor pick up coils... question for the sages
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Author:  Valleyant [ Sat May 13, 2017 8:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Distributor pick up coils... question for the sages

I got what I thought was a good deal from rock auto a few years ago on some distributor p/u coils. I looked them up under my cars specs, 1974 Plymouth Duster 3.2l 198 cid L6 etc etc....and was referred to BWD/NIEHOFF ME2A.........when I received them I tucked 'em away until I needed one today.....I found that the wiring portion of these p/u coils that reside inside the distributor was not long enough to reach where the distributor is notched for the grommet and pass through wires. Anyone else have this problem......and was I clear in describing the problem??? am I going to have to extend/modify the wires to make them work??? what a pain.....If these are the wrong part what do you recommend I buy and will work/fit properly.... Thank you!!

Author:  Valleyant [ Sat May 13, 2017 8:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

DI, you warned me about this.........I guess I was confused as to which portion of the pigtail you were referring to. Today I realized they are not correct. I assume I can lengthen the wires, correct? ... ice#396446

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sat May 13, 2017 8:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Yep...

Anyone else have this problem......and was I clear in describing the problem???
I have an ME-2A on the shelf, it is a dead ringer for the small or big block pickup... (which I do have a couple of B-block distributors I should build up and put up for sale some day...)...

SMP LX103 is a perfect fit, also Airtex/Wells 4P1235 (both are the same quality now could probably save 3 bucks and buy a Duralast one from Autozone since it will probably be the same as the others from the same 3rd world factory...FYI.

Author:  Valleyant [ Sat May 13, 2017 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Thanks!!!

I just checked Old Car Parts NW and found that they have them under original part # 3656866.....
DI, if your interested I have a couple of the ME-2A.....pretty cheap, when you decide to build up the BB distributors.

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