Slant Six Forum

Timing chain tensioner
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Author:  lgu32 [ Fri May 19, 2017 11:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Timing chain tensioner

Slant six does not need chain tensioner. Just replace the chain and wheels periodically or at last when the rattling noise exists.

With non stock (Clifford, originally Australian) roller chain and weak idle even the good chain can hit to timing cover. In my application the rattle goes away when the engine becomes "hot". I dont know why because the idle isnt really much better then either.

I am going to add some kind of adjustable tensioner to the timing cover. Has any of forum members done such one? All ideas are now welcome before cutting, maching and welding has been started.

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sat May 20, 2017 8:40 am ]
Post subject:  If...

If you are running a double roller chain you won't need one. You would want to install a cam stop to keep the cam in place which can contribute to chain stretch. If using a single or silent chain the same will be desired, but the chain will become loose after about 50-80K depending on manufacturer and should be changed out since the cam sprocket can have wear to the teeth and contribute to the issue with the chain being slack.

Author:  lgu32 [ Sat May 20, 2017 11:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

I like it to be good without tensioner but this example isnt. The roller chain is only 10k driven and has been rattling always when cold. There is also cam button but I have not found any effect of its adjustment. Will build something which can carry the low side of chain between wheels and this was reason to ask if someone has already tried. The space is limited.

Running without the cover chain is tight and silent.

360 magnum seem to had internal tensioner for some reason too. As in between of sl6 timing wheels the space is smaller and no bolt holes ready I will process the cover keeping the plastic adjustable tensioner in order.

One small part is my engine idle circuit which is done way of my own. It could bit stimulate the engine shake.

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