Slant Six Forum

Distributor recurve
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Author:  afastcuda1970 [ Sat May 27, 2017 12:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Distributor recurve

I am about to dive into re curving my distributor in the W100. Has anyone used the FBO system limiter plate in their dizzy? ... 0plate.htm

Seems like it would be easy to tune with. Just looking for opinions before spending cash.

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sat May 27, 2017 5:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Yes...

Rick has bought these, and I bought 2 since they are fairly local to me.

Rick had good luck in limiting his timing. I installed one in a 1973-1974 long slot distributor and indexed it on the 18 degree slot and it limited out at 16 degrees... as time allows I need to revisit that distributor, but my suspicion could be that if these are laser cut in mass production that they might have a smigde of variance that might cause the limit to be that way... or if they are punched on a jig since they are 26 gauge stainless the stainless tends to roll at the edge before the punch cuts/tears the metal away and maybe the edges need to be faced...My only other worry was if the disc didn't stay put on the nylon bushing that keeps the governor off the weights, then the disk could shift its center and alter the timing.... I'd like to hear from someone daily driving with one of these to see if they will last 50-80,000 miles.....

2 cents.

Author:  afastcuda1970 [ Sun May 28, 2017 2:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, I got impatient and couldn't wait till Tuesday to order the wheel. So I dusted off the millermatic and went to work. I filled in the ends of the slot and filed them to .381. I had some springs from a Mallory Unilite kit that I bought in the 80's. I installed a medium spring and left the light one in. If it will stop raining, I will install and see where I'm at.

Author:  afastcuda1970 [ Mon May 29, 2017 11:55 am ]
Post subject: 

I installed the dizzy and set the initial to 12*. Quite a bit of improvement in low rpm acceleration and no pinging. I think I can go with a little bit lighter spring and gain a little more. I will see what happens.

Author:  afastcuda1970 [ Mon May 29, 2017 3:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

I installed an even lighter spring with the original light spring and it improved low end power even more. I think I can still go a bit lighter though. I want to plot the curve before I do anymore but it feels better than ever. I need to work on the carburetor also.

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Mon May 29, 2017 6:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Yep...

I installed an even lighter spring with the original light spring and it improved low end power even more. I think I can still go a bit lighter though. I want to plot the curve before I do anymore but it feels better than ever. I need to work on the carburetor also.
Yes, you need to plot the whole curve... if you put in light springs and the curve is all in well before you hit your highway cruise rpms, you may find that your upper end performance may suffer... try to get it to top out about 200 rpm above your rpms at 65 mph...

Also you are correct if you make a radical change to the timing curve you will need to see if the carb needs attention...

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