Slant Six Forum

Timing curve
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Author:  Rifleshooter [ Sat Aug 12, 2017 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Timing curve

Hello. It has recently been brought to my attention by another member that timing of my engine can help my 225 slant become much more lively. I have a 1980 Plymouth Volare with 225 2bbl slant in it. So far I have a new cylinder head milled by .09 inches on and the air pump, one of my CATs deleted, and a 2.5 inch exhaust pipe splitting from 1 to 2 by trans and comming out in front of my rear wheels. What would be the best timing advance or retard for my engine? I daily it as well, if that makes any difference.

Author:  afastcuda1970 [ Sun Aug 13, 2017 12:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yes it can really wake up aslant 6. Duster Idiot is the expert on recurving distributors and I'm sure he will chime in to advise you on what to do. Until then, read over this thread.

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sun Aug 13, 2017 8:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Is it?

If you have the stock 3874876 super six distributor that is a good start...set at 12 BTDC.

If you have to smog it , then you can't go more than that.

If you have changed the compression, added a better cam, rear ratio, etc... (no smog check) then a custom timing curve/spring change will help.

I can recurve and recondition your distributor if you have made changes and you are uncomfortable doing the work yourself.

Author:  Rifleshooter [ Sun Aug 13, 2017 9:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

I was unaware that there are upgrades for a distributor, so I would say it's a safe assumption that I have the stock one. Also I've upped my compression ratio to around 9.5 to 1, what would be a good timing curve, also what would I have to do on my own?

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