Slant Six Forum

Not enough fuel
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Author:  Mr.6 [ Sun Aug 13, 2017 8:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Not enough fuel

Ive had symptoms for a wile but I could still use truck
finally the base symptom hit harder and now I can't use truck
For sure it's not plugs or wires .
The symptom is no power with a feeling of a stall
It's starts , it idles well but give it some gas and it bogs
and dies . air fuel ratio I don't trust .
my plan is spend $20 get a fuel pump and filter
and go from there . I checked plugs Zero oil issues
the plugs seemed to have chalkiness with a whitish hue
Very dry like Bone dry

Can or do these lean burn systems when old - just mess up ?

Author:  wjajr [ Mon Aug 14, 2017 6:11 am ]
Post subject: 

Before purchasing a new fuel pump, test it by disconnecting fuel line at carb and pump some fuel into a can.

Before the pump test:

Often when engine stumbles off idle under acceleration the cause is a lean condition until the main jets come on line, and caused by a failed accelerator pump.

Accelerator pump test:

Remove air cleaner, with engine off and choke held open look down into carb's barrel and rotate throttle open while looking for fuel squirting. Fuel delivered should be a robust squirt, and begin as soon as throttle moves. Weak, or late delivery after throttle opening is cause of lean condition requiring a carburetor rebuild.

Author:  Brian [ Mon Aug 14, 2017 6:49 am ]
Post subject: 

It could be a carb issue. My 86 would have issues stalling out and bogging at times. It did get worse until the truck quit and I could not restart it. I took the carb apart and found particles from the charcoal canister plugging everything up. May not be your issue, just figured I'd tell you

Author:  Mr.6 [ Tue Aug 15, 2017 4:04 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the help

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