Slant Six Forum

Machine Shop Charges
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Author:  DadTruck [ Thu Nov 30, 2017 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Machine Shop Charges

I am extremely satisfied with the services and cost from the shop doing my slant six machine shop work.

The owner/manager is available to discuss the build plan and timing for the completion of the work.
He and I interact well and we share ideas on how to build the motor to meet the objectives.

I think the pricing listed below is reasonable, parts are delivered per timing discussed and I have precision gauging ( micrometers - dial bore gauges )
and what I have measured is within specifications discussed. The parts are bagged when delivered.

This is from the invoice of parts picked up today:

1) Hot tank block and mangnaflux,, 100.00
2) Over bore and hone,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,200.00
3) Align bore mains,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,150.00
4) Sonic test bores,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 50.00
5) Hot Tank head and magnaflux,,,,,, 50.00
6) Hot Tank crank,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 25.00
6) Grind and polish crank .010,,,,,,,,,,100.00
7) weight balance pistons, rods, crank 250.00
8) hot Tank oil pan, valve cover, front cover 100.00

seems reasonable, how does this compare to what others are paying.

Author:  Dart270 [ Fri Dec 01, 2017 3:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Machine Shop Charges

For good quality work, that is all quite reasonable. My guys are similar, with some a bit higher or lower than what you have there. You get what you pay for...


Author:  coconuteater64 [ Fri Dec 01, 2017 6:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Machine Shop Charges

Reasonable prices! There's a father & son machine shop by my house that specializes in boats and dirt track racing, and they'll do the hot tank and magnaflux for $70. But I am hesitant to let them do anything else; the son came out to get the block and got excited. He said "Oh boy, I've never worked on an inline before!" That scares me more than a little.

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