Slant Six Forum

Speedometer Pinion and Tire Size
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Author:  Terence [ Thu Jul 03, 2003 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Speedometer Pinion and Tire Size

I have a '64 Valiant. I believe that my car travels slower than the speedo shows, and that this is due to the tires being smaller than original.

I found Doc's post with the Speedometer Pinion Usage Chart, and that is exactly what I need. BUT, I don't know how to read the tire sizes! :roll:

How would you denote a 650-13 in today's tire sizing convention, i.e. mm width/aspect ratio?

This is my first post. I have been perusing the forums and articles for a while. I love this resource. :D

Author:  mighty mouse 63 [ Sun Jul 13, 2003 3:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tires suitable for your application: assume you are using stock 13 rim. 155/70R13 5 inch tire or the following 6 inch tires 175/80R13, 185/70R13 slightly taller profile, have run all 3 at one time or anouther and have not had to recalobrate speedo. Can't imagine running smaller then the 155 as these are hard to find these days. Dave

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