Slant Six Forum

Clifford Twin intake
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Author:  BKBoan [ Fri Jan 19, 2018 5:39 am ]
Post subject:  Clifford Twin intake

Is anyone running the Clifford 45-4650WH Twin Weber intake, if so what are your thoughts. I'm stroking the / with K1 rods & wiseco pistons and some head work. port & valves job.

Thanks Brian

Author:  Dart270 [ Fri Jan 19, 2018 6:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Clifford Twin intake

Wow, I had not seen that intake at all yet. I am also curious about this. I do not see on their site where you can buy just the intake.

It will be more complex, but with high cool factor. I know nothing about those Weber downdrafts...


Author:  Joshie225 [ Fri Jan 19, 2018 8:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Clifford Twin intake

Those are synchronous opening carburetors. Both barrels open at the same time. And with 2 carburetors it's 4 barrels opening at the same time. Yes, each carburetor has 2 throttle shafts, but they are geared together to open simultaneously.


Here's a statement almost guaranteed to be false: "Carbs are completely set up & ready to bolt on out of the box!" What's true is that one of these carburetors will work well, with tuning, on a 225. What's likely to also be true is that 2 of these on anything street-friendly is a nightmare. And: "*NO RETURNS ON CARBS, NEW OR USED."

Now if they had that manifold with a pair of 32/36 DGV progressive-opening carburetors then you'd have essentially a split 4-bbl on a common plenum. There were manifolds sold overseas which mounted twin 32/36 DGV carburetors with individual plenums and longer runners. They are extraordinarily rare, but a much better solution.

For someone not fond of tearing out their hair I would buy the regular 4 bbl manifold and drop on an Edelbrock 500 AVS.

Author:  Dart270 [ Fri Jan 19, 2018 8:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Clifford Twin intake

Yes, the single 4bbl intake with a Holley 500 2bbl or Edel 500 4bbl (AFB or AVS) would be much simpler and would likely give similar performance.

Note: I tried the Edel AFB and AVS and I liked the AFB better, which was a surprise to me. I could not find a setting on the AVS air door that worked well, at least in a few hours of playing around.



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