Slant Six Forum

Original pictures of Valiants on internet?
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Author:  Fin65Valiant [ Sat Feb 17, 2018 7:54 am ]
Post subject:  Original pictures of Valiants on internet?

Hello fellow slanters. I hope the year has started well for you.

Does anyone know of pictures (sites on the Internet?) of Valiants back in the day when they were new (especially -62 and -65 are of interest). I can find lots of modern pictures and some old ones of the exterior but old pictures of the engine bay and the interior (and the trunk) have been difficult to find. The -65 I have has been in the family since it was new, but there are almost no pictures.

Besides being interesting, pictures would be helpful in restoration (the -62 I have, in case I ever find the strength to do it. It's full winter here in Finland and my legs are so bad at the moment I can only lie down, but one can dream...). See if I can get a picture in here... Image


Author:  MJF [ Sat Feb 17, 2018 11:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Original pictures of Valiants on internet?


Here is my Valiant when new :D
Tekniikan Maailma test drived 1964 Valiant. There was lots of pictures, maybe I could scan that.

Author:  Fin65Valiant [ Sun Feb 18, 2018 1:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Original pictures of Valiants on internet?


Here is my Valiant when new :D
Tekniikan Maailma test drived 1964 Valiant. There was lots of pictures, maybe I could scan that.

Nice photo. I have ONY-55 as registration. I have seen one or two road tests, but I don't think I have seen that one. I would appreciate it, if you have the time to scan it one day, especially if there are pictures too. Send me a private message and I'll give you my email.

I have sales brochures, but they mainly show the models from outside. Also, seems they haven't always bothered taking new pictures, I think there was a 64 detail in the 65 bar sure, or something like that.

Let's try the photo again. Seems to surpass my ability... Image

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