Slant Six Forum

carlisle this weekend
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Author:  andrew [ Mon Jul 07, 2003 10:54 am ]
Post subject:  carlisle this weekend

hey guys, I got my 42lb/hr injectors the other week and I am now getting the car tuned for the drags. I can't wait to run it. I hope to have some money for the dyno also. Its going to be tight!!

I did have a problem. I was driving the car all day. Then I looked down and the temp was up to 230. I quickly pulled into a friends place that happen to be right there. I thought it was I thermostat but that was not it. I did notice that there was water in the oil. so I was thing head gasket and I was right. But that was not the only problem. As I started the car up with the new head gasket it just heated right back up. Now what!! The impeller on the waterpump came off! :shock: :x
Has this ever happened to anyone before? If not be on the look out!!

See you this weekend!!!!

Andrew Wagner

Author:  Dart270 [ Wed Jul 09, 2003 9:31 am ]
Post subject: 

Wish I could make it up there, Andrew. I'm sure the car will be a star at the drags and show.

I'm envious of the boost, and I hope to be joining you before long... :wink:



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