Slant Six Forum

Wiper blow out
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Author:  drwheelie [ Mon Jul 07, 2003 8:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Wiper blow out

I have a 76 volare. The other day during a nice torrential downpour my passenger side wiper just stopped. Once I got to safety and looked at it I saw that the bar that joins the driver side wiper to the pass side had come off the pass side and was just flopping around in there.

Upon looking more closely at the situation (which was hard to do because there is very little clearance in the space where the wiper gear lives) I noticed that the bar seems to be held on by 2 little rubber end caps that fit on the bottom of the wiper shaft. Mine are all brittle and had just shattered so the bar fell right off.

I need both wipers not just the driver side-I am wondering if there is a source for these little rubber dealies or if anyone else has any ideas.

Given the flimsy nature of the system, I am sure I am not the only one who has faced this dilemma

Dr Wheelie

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Mon Jul 07, 2003 10:45 pm ]
Post subject:  NAPA, or HELP section...

Napa has them for $1.49 per pack on their misc. parts rack, in other stores they can be located in the HELP! section...don't have a part number for you, Sorrry!


P.S. put a dab of grease in the pocket of the bushing before using a channel lock to seat your 'drive' linkage it'll keep the squeeeking down and make seating of the linkage easier...


Author:  Guest [ Mon Jul 07, 2003 11:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

On my Dart that system died, yours sounds similar. I was lucky, I just stuck the bar back on the tab thing(funny, that's probably a screw that rusted solid there, don't know, never really checked 8) ). The windshield wipers only stop working now and then, been about 6 months now, hope that screw(maybe a tab), stays rusted there.

Author:  drwheelie [ Tue Jul 08, 2003 6:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the tip
One more question
Neither my 76 mopar shop manual or my chiltons guide have an exploded drawing of the wiper system beneath the cowling.

I cant see in that small space, is there anything else holding the bar on there, any other parts or does the bar just slide over the pivot shaft ass end and then you pop the cap over the end and kind of seat it into the groove on the end of the pivot shaft.

Seems kind of flimsy to me, I guess they did it so that you wouldnt have to get a wrench up into that small tight space.


Author:  Craig [ Wed Jul 09, 2003 9:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

You can get the little plastic bushings at your local Chryco dealer. Those are a bit softer/rubbery than the ones you get elsewhere. They also come prefilled with some grease in the hole. The bushings first snap into the connecting link, then you snap the link with the bushing over the little stud on the wiper pivot arm. There is a groove in the stud and a mating ring inside the plastic bushing to hold it all together.

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Wed Jul 09, 2003 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Wiper assembly and motor considered 'Electrical'

Mopar considers the whole assembly to be a part of Group 8, your diagram is found on Page 8-165 of the 1976 Electrical Service manual.

time to Hit e-bay or your swap meet for that manual and a parts catalog.


Author:  drwheelie [ Wed Jul 09, 2003 10:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have the 1976 official mopar chassis manual
If that dont have it, I am headed to the mopar nats (sans volare) so I am sure I can get the right one there


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