Slant Six Forum

dash cluster lens repair
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Author:  '67 Dart 270 [ Fri May 04, 2018 2:51 pm ]
Post subject:  dash cluster lens repair

I am restoring a dash cluster for a '67 dart (non-rallye, standard type cluster). Anyway, I have a lens but it has a deep scratch across it. Turns out you can wet sand those out with 2000 grit sandpaper and then hit it with 3000 grit. Finally, use this Novus kit: ... UTF8&psc=1

It works great and it's not a lot of work. I took my deep scratch down pretty quickly, say 20 minutes of work, and hit it with the 3 step polishing kit and it looks like new (where the scratch was, I was focused on that first). Sorry, I didn't take pics, I was just fooling around for 20 minutes to see if it would come close to working. It works very well. I just took out the deep scratch, so I'll hit it again and do the whole lens, get all the minor scratches out this time.



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