Slant Six Forum

Look what followed me home...
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Author:  halfafish [ Thu May 17, 2018 11:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Look what followed me home...

I was minding my own business, drinking the second cup of coffee one morning. Cruising through /6 to see what's going on. And then I see an ad for an 82 D-150 pickup.

I'm only vaguely paying attention as I have a 94 Ram 2500 TCD I bought new, that can meet any truck need I will ever have. However, I notice is it's in my part of the world. Like an idiot, I clicked the ad for more info. Whoops! It's my favorite body style for an older Dodge truck. It's a slant. It's a stick, A833 OD. With the exception of a handful of easily fixed body boo-boo's, it's in good shape. It's dirt cheap. And it appears to be pretty clean, except that by all accounts it skipped a tooth on the timing chain and doesn't run worth a crap. After a few conversations with the PO, I wind up buying it - mostly, at first, as a mercy thing. If someone doesn't save this truck it's going to the crusher. Something I just couldn't see happening if I could provide a different destiny.

Fast forward a few weeks, I have the timing chain parts procured. Before I can start working on it, I have to perform yet another crapectomy on my shop. This is a little depressing, as it’s the THIRD TIME around on this business. I keep throwing stuff out and streamlining, but there is always more. I think I have this solved for the moment, however. There will be room to push this inside shortly.

Fixing this truck is a lot like stopping by a friend's place "just to see the puppies". One of the little buggers is bound to look at you just right and you wind up bringing home a furry friend. My least favorite car color is white, and I’m no fan of the baby-blue interior either. But I fear the truck will become a permanent addition to the household anyway, which I need like a hole in the head. Part of the allure is due to the truck just oozing cool factor. Yes, it's only a half-ton 2WD, but I can live with that. If weather is nasty, we’ll break out the 4WD diesel. Also, my sweetie thinks it is fantastic and can’t wait to go for a ride. Sitting right beside me in the center seat, where she belongs.

The truck has a lot going for it. It has an 8-1/4 rear end (gears and sure-grip unknown as of yet), front disc brakes, a 2-chamber master cylinder, power steering, power brakes, and good tires. It is already set up for HEI ignition. It is showing just over 59000 miles, which could be original given the condition of the interior and exterior. It just doesn't look like the odometer has rolled over. All the electrical stuff works. All the lights work. The dash is in good shape with no cracks. The stereo works off two old-school 6x9 speakers in boxes behind the seat. It has no rust anywhere. I do have the fender tag, but it’s only vaguely attached. It has a tach and a vacuum gauge, courtesy of the PO.

Once it's running again, we get into the business of what are we going to do with it? So far, I don't know. If nothing else I can always sell it to someone who needs a super-reliable, thrifty truck. It would be a shame, but it could be parted out, with many items becoming spares for the Valiant (peanut-head engine, OD tranny, rear end, brakes, etc.). I can also see this as a DD. Time will tell.

If I decide to keep it, I will need to do the initial fixit items. First, go through the engine checking all electrical, hoses, and belts. Change all fluids. See what shape the brakes are in. Check for tuning and valve lash. Swap the mirrors around for better visibility. Get new wiper blades. Find a set of tailgate cables, they are missing. And so forth…

The next step would be to build the engine a bit with a nice RV cam and bump up the compression a little. Install a super-six setup and a new 2-1/4” exhaust system, getting rid of both cats. Toss any remaining smog stuff. Give it some paint, as what little that is still there is whisper thin. Fix the wing windows, they are siliconed shut. I have no idea what that’s all about unless it was just to stop a leak. Repair and/or replace the rear window. Replace the door and window seals. Add a saddle blanket cover for the seat. Fix the hole in the dash where some kind of warning light pod previously resided. Install vinyl flooring. Do the fuel line mod. Do a little body work to smooth over the dents, straighten out both bumpers, and install a receiver hitch with wiring. Nothing (other than the cam/compression business) looks to be very expensive, and I might be smart enough (hah!) to do most of the work myself. All in my spare time, of course, and just as a precursor to getting the Valiant in for its complete renovation.

However, the crapectomy on the shop was successful, the beast is inside awaiting my attention. Several hours were spent tonight finishing the organizational efforts. We are ready to rock. Photos to follow, as soon as I can remember how to work Flickr.

I’m one of those guys who can put up with a ton of grunt work, as long as I have music.
On stage tonight: Chicago, Cake

Author:  Dart270 [ Fri May 18, 2018 1:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Look what followed me home...

Nice story... Have fun with it!


Author:  and739 [ Fri May 18, 2018 3:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Look what followed me home...

Sounds cool. Can’t wait to see the pictures!

Author:  ProCycle [ Fri May 18, 2018 7:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Look what followed me home...


Author:  halfafish [ Fri May 18, 2018 7:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Look what followed me home...

Here are some starting photos as the project begins.

ImageP4150506 by Zach Thomas, on Flickr

ImageP4150507 by Zach Thomas, on Flickr

Image101_1833 by Zach Thomas, on Flickr

Image101_1833 by Zach Thomas, on Flickr

Image101_1831 by Zach Thomas, on Flickr

Image101_1837 by Zach Thomas, on Flickr

Image101_1836 by Zach Thomas, on Flickr

Imagex by Zach Thomas, on Flickr

Author:  Reed [ Fri May 18, 2018 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Look what followed me home...

Nice score! That truck will grow on you. I wasn't a truck guy until my sister made me get a 76 D100 shortbed. Now I love them. Trucks are just so dang useful. Pretty much everything you need for that truck can be found at

Keep us posted!

Author:  coconuteater64 [ Fri May 18, 2018 8:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Look what followed me home...

Nice score! I have virtually the same truck, but in red. Question: do all trucks of that era have warped fuse box covers?

Author:  hank2 [ Fri May 18, 2018 8:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Look what followed me home...

Amazing find! It will be a great family member.

Author:  Charrlie_S [ Sat May 19, 2018 3:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Look what followed me home...

You got ripped off. No air conditioning. :P :P :P

Author:  Rick Covalt [ Sat May 19, 2018 5:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Look what followed me home...

do all trucks of that era have warped fuse box covers?
Yes! :D :D :D

Author:  halfafish [ Sat May 19, 2018 8:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Look what followed me home...

You got ripped off. No air conditioning. :P :P :P
Hah! That was a strong selling point, I don't want the additional clutter and complication of A/C. Besides, in my part of the world it's only truly hot for a few weeks a year - I will put up with it. The lower cab vents do a lot to help with nice ventilation.

Today's project will involve an initial assessment - can I get away with just a timing chain, or does this need more help than that? A plug check and compression check are in order. Some bad news, this sat in the driveway, not running, for a few weeks. When I pushed it in the shop, there was a sizeable oil leak left behind. Not a good thing, and likely not a quick/easy thing to fix. More on this later as I get into it.

Author:  coconuteater64 [ Sat May 19, 2018 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Look what followed me home...

You have the same drizzly rust stain on the passenger foot well that I have on the driver's side. I cleaned about 5 pounds of leaves and pine needles out of the cowl.

Author:  tophat [ Sun May 20, 2018 7:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Look what followed me home...

Nice score! I have virtually the same truck, but in red. Question: do all trucks of that era have warped fuse box covers?
All 6 of my trucks ranging from 81 to 92 do. Everyone of my customers trucks (not many) also do.

Cool truck. Very similar to the 81 I payed to much for almost a year ago and need to get off my butt and start building.

Author:  halfafish [ Tue May 22, 2018 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Look what followed me home...

How interesting and encouraging, to find so many other truck owners. It's a bonus that there are a few somewhat in the vicinity.

The mission for tonight was to pull the plugs and check the compression.

I suspect it’s been a while since the plugs were checked, it took a 24” breaker bar to get them loose. The bad news is, they are incredibly sooty. The good news is (maybe), they are consistent. They all look identical.

I tried to attach a photo but Flickr is being obstinate. If anyone knows a better and especially easy way to post photos, please let me know. This is a PITA.

I was thinking the compression might pan out, especially after 1&2 which looked like not great, but workable and consistent. Then came the rest of the herd. Uck. To say the compression doesn’t look all that encouraging would be an understatement. And of course, I could not find the brand-new screw-in compression tester I just bought. I had to use my ancient (at least 40 years old) handheld shove-it-in-the-hole-and-hold-it-style tester.

1 – 92
2 – 91
3 – 71
4 – 109
5 – 68
6 – 30 at best

My first thought on the truck was, can I get away with just a new timing chain installed with the engine in place? At this point, with the lousy compression and for-real oil leak, I’m guessing no. This engine will likely be coming out for some TLC. This doesn’t break my heart, as I continue to find reasons why I should keep it, even if it makes no sense.

On Stage Tonight:
Amazing Rhythm Aces
Joss Stone
Les Dudek

Author:  coconuteater64 [ Wed May 23, 2018 6:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Look what followed me home...

Don't give up! I would change the timing chain and check the compression again with a screw-in tester. Hopefully those numbers will go way up after that.

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