Slant Six Forum

Super 6 into 87 Ram
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Author:  Scnoleman [ Fri Jun 22, 2018 11:33 am ]
Post subject:  Super 6 into 87 Ram

I have read the install forums and as many posts as I could before asking but can anyone let me know if the kickdown linkage and throttle differences guys talk about when adding a super 6, apply to an 87 d150 truck, 904a auto trans, 3.23 gears? Mine has the single barrel setup..... so when I buy a super 6 intake and carb will I also need the kickdown from the donor (or is this an a body specific issue)? Thanks for your time.

On a side not, ...looking for a complete super 6 setup, shipped to 29920. Thanks for your time and sharing your knowledge and talent. I'm in SC and no one around has slants or I'd go look.

Author:  Reed [ Fri Jun 22, 2018 1:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Super 6 into 87 Ram

You can swap the whole assembly into your truck, and you will need the kickdown linkage. HOWEVER! Be advised that the truck kickdown linkage is different from a passenger car kickdown linkage. You might get lucky and find a truck super six kickdown linkage, but I doubt it. The part that is different is the rod that goes from the transmission up to the bracket that bolts to the exhaust manifold. On my 76 D100 I was able to use the passenger car super six upper linkage piece and exhaust bracket, but the stock one barrel kickdown to run from the exhaust bracket to the trans. This setup works but it is not ideal. It sometimes causes the throttle to stick. My advice is to switch to a cable style kickdown linkage.

Author:  Scnoleman [ Fri Jun 22, 2018 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Super 6 into 87 Ram

Thanks very much for the clarification. Now I just need to find a super six!!

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