Slant Six Forum

'84 D-100 instrument cluster question
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Author:  Charrlie_S [ Wed Jun 27, 2018 3:01 am ]
Post subject:  '84 D-100 instrument cluster question

My '84 D-100 has idiot lights for oil pressure and temp, no gauges. I haven't pulled the cluster, yet. I'm wondering if a set of factory gauges (temp, OP), can be installed in the 84 cluster in place of the lights. I have spare gauges for my 88 d-150, and the cluster looks the same from the face, except for the light/gauge situation.

Author:  coconuteater64 [ Sat Jul 28, 2018 2:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: '84 D-100 instrument cluster question

Speedometer is vastly different, as it was electronic instead of cable driven. IIRC everything else is pretty much the same.

Author:  Charrlie_S [ Sun Jul 29, 2018 5:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: '84 D-100 instrument cluster question

Speedometer is vastly different, as it was electronic instead of cable driven. IIRC everything else is pretty much the same.
My 88 D-150 has a mechanical speedo.
I didn't change the complete cluster in the 84 D-100. Just removed the "blanks" where the gauges go, installed the 1988 temp and oil pressure gauges in the 84 cluster. Then switched the pressure and temp switches on the engine to the senders for the gauges. Everything works fine, and looks factory.

Author:  coconuteater64 [ Mon Jul 30, 2018 7:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: '84 D-100 instrument cluster question

Speedometer is vastly different, as it was electronic instead of cable driven. IIRC everything else is pretty much the same.
My 88 D-150 has a mechanical speedo.
I didn't change the complete cluster in the 84 D-100. Just removed the "blanks" where the gauges go, installed the 1988 temp and oil pressure gauges in the 84 cluster. Then switched the pressure and temp switches on the engine to the senders for the gauges. Everything works fine, and looks factory.
Hmmm, I nabbed a cluster from a junkyard and it had an electronic speedometer. They said the truck was an '86, but it didn't have a front dog house so I just took their word for it. I don't know what year they switched to electronic, or if it was across all models.

Author:  DadTruck [ Sat Aug 04, 2018 8:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: '84 D-100 instrument cluster question

I nabbed a cluster from a junkyard and it had an electronic speedometer.
I got one of those installed in my 83 D150.
IIRC the cluster is out of a 91 D150.
the newer cluster gets you:
100 MPH electronic driven speedo, trip odometer, voltage gauge in place of an ammeter,
oil pressure gauge and oil pressure idiot light,,,

the newer gauge cluster physically is the same size as the older one with the mechanical
speedo so it bolts right in.

you will need a VSS sender from a 91 D150 to drive the electronic speedometer,
the VSS plugs right into the A833 or 904 transmission port that the mechanical
driven speedometer cable plugged into. The VSS is an easy 2 wire hook up.
A benefit is that if you add cruse control the VSS will provide the speed signal to
the cruse control unit.

The newer gauge cluster runs on 12V, so there is no 5 volt reducer. You will need oil pressure
and engine temperature sensors from a 91 D150. There is a special oil pressure sensor that has two output wires,
one for the idiot light and one for the gauge.
The fuel level sensor is calibrated to a different set of resistance levels for empty - full, as I also swapped
in the '91 26 gallon fuel tank ( which also basically bolted right in) that was not an issue for me, I am also using the '91 electric in tank fuel pump.
If you are maintaining your OE fuel tank - sendor, you will need to work something out to get the fuel gauge accurate.

If you want to swap in the newer gauge cluster, I have documented the gauge cluster wiring difference between
my '83 and the '91 and can share that with you.

Author:  Rick Covalt [ Sat Aug 04, 2018 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: '84 D-100 instrument cluster question

John if you could write this up in detail it would make a good "how to" article for in the articles section of the board. We haven't had to many new ones in the last 10 years! :D

Author:  DadTruck [ Sun Aug 05, 2018 8:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: '84 D-100 instrument cluster question

would make a good "how to" article
that is a nice thought,
I have worked out the wiring connections and made a diagram,
however I imagine that the universe of folks wanting to put
'90 or '91 gauge clusters into 80's D series trucks is few and far
in between. The How To's are probably for a wider audience.

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