Slant Six Forum

Engine temperature on these 100 degree days
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Author:  smitty040 [ Wed Jul 04, 2018 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Engine temperature on these 100 degree days

Wanted to get a little piece of mind before traveling from Nashville, TN to Columbus, OH for this weekend’s Goodguys nationals. I had the engine idling in the driveway checking the transmission fluid and noticed the engine temp sitting almost at 210. I’ve got a 22” aluminum radiator (brand new), a 180 degree stat, 16lb cap, and running the 7 blade mechanical fan. I know there is no air movement due to sitting in neutral with the emergency brake on but with the engine not having a load on it I was a little concerned. Also noticed coolant dripping out from the drain line on my aluminum overflow bottle. Wanted to get feedback before making the 5 hour journey through the mountains on what they are calling for another 100 degree day.

Author:  DadTruck [ Thu Jul 05, 2018 7:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Engine temperature on these 100 degree days

Do you have a shroud on the radiator? If not the fan will not do much.
I would take the car on a short highway drive, monitor engine coolant temps to
get more data.

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