Slant Six Forum

Slant-6 Guru anywhere in Maryland
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Author:  davidsoh [ Mon Aug 27, 2018 12:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Slant-6 Guru anywhere in Maryland

Hello Slant Sixers!
I'm 59, grew up with Slant-6's and although am NOT a mechanic, I am blessed/cursed with a huge amount of gumption (meaning that I have and will change any part - including pulling engines.). BUT, I lack the fine skills of a true Guru. I put twin carbs on my '79 Aspen Slant-6 wagon, along with a new split intake with the promise of increased power and mileage. I am now proudly pulling in 9 to 10 MPG with pathetically low power (and yes, I did buy a Veg-a-matic back in the day). I'm ready to pay a Slant-6 Guru to look her over. I live in Rockville, Maryland, 15-ish miles from DC, but will drive pretty much anywhere (150 miles?) for some "non-guaranteed" help. (I'm a great understanding non-complaining customer.)
Any leads would be appreciated!!

Author:  Dart270 [ Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Slant-6 Guru anywhere in Maryland

I will let the MD-ers respond. There are a few gurus around MD/NJ/PA. We are having a Slant 6 race (and fun hangout, even if not racing) at Mason-Dixon Dragway in Boonsboro/Hagerstown, MD on Oct 6-7. You will have a hard time finding a more friendly and helpful group. Join us!


Author:  Badvert65 [ Mon Aug 27, 2018 2:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Slant-6 Guru anywhere in Maryland

Nothing personal, but if you still have the original two barrel setup, you would be better served with that. I had a super six 79 Volare Wagon not long ago. Great car and I really miss having it.


Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Mon Aug 27, 2018 3:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Slant-6 Guru anywhere in Maryland

Hmm. The best hard core and helpful so and so's are the covalts about 1.5 hours from you on the md/pa line in waynesboro/quincy twp area.

I am 4 hours away from you.

Wayne swanson may be close to you but i don't think he's on the forum.

Big Charles is also in tawneytown MD as well.

Welcome to the forum and stop out to the mason dixon race in october.


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