Slant Six Forum

Charcoal canister with aftermarket 4 bbl carb
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Author:  Berber5985 [ Tue Nov 20, 2018 4:47 am ]
Post subject:  Charcoal canister with aftermarket 4 bbl carb

Hey guys, I just received my Aussiespeed long runner intake and a Quickfuel 450 carb. I still have my charcoal canister but I removed the rest of the smog equipment as we don’t require it on vehicles older than 20 years. So the EGR, the lean burn, the smog pump, etc have all been removed and all that’s left is the pvc and the charcoal canister. Right now there’s a line going from the carter bbd carb to the canister which I assume is the fuel Bowl vent venting back to the charcoal canister. Since the new carb doesn’t have this, do I just cap off that part to the carb and leave the other lines to the charcoal Canister hooked up?

Also, secondary note, the intake came with a 3/8 npt port to route the power brake brake booster line and I was curious if anyone knew which size barb fitting fits the brake booster line hose? Seems like a dumb question, but I was going to order that part today.

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