Slant Six Forum

valiant/lotus,one more time
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Author:  Bruce Johnson [ Wed Jul 16, 2003 11:00 pm ]
Post subject:  valiant/lotus,one more time

Five chrysler engineers built a car to prove what a slant and then new hyperpack manifold could do. They got a Lotus 11 and removed the whole drive train then started cutting the space frame to accept a 170 six and a 4spd out of a Corvette, the A833 4spd didn't exsist. A 7 1/4 rear end was modified to receive inboard disk brakes and an indepentant 4link suspension. The most historial fact is that this engine was the first to be used sucessfully as a stressed member of the frame. The Valiant/Lotus was the fastest Lotus 11 ever raced according to different sources speeds of 170 to 180 mph. This was a right hand drive car the engine had a 2.5" driveshaft to mount the engine 5 degrees off center line of the car, right to left balance with driver was with in 5 pounds. The same could be done for an opposite left hand drive. I recently watched a Lotus11(repo??) frame sell on ebay and wondered what we could do today with a mustang II front end and maybe a Jag rear end with frame designed for the multitude of slant 6 engines out there. just some food for thought. Bruce Johnson

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Wed Jul 16, 2003 11:15 pm ]
Post subject:  D


Author:  Red [ Thu Jul 17, 2003 5:26 am ]
Post subject:  Lotus / Valiant

You can probably save yourself alot of time on this project right here at good ol' .org by talking to member mustangsix. He seems like a real knowledgable and friendly guy.

He came in on the Aussie intake thread in engine section yesterday after you had posted there, DI.

Check this (mustangsix's project)...may not be a slant, but it is an inline 6:


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