Slant Six Forum

Windshield Size
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Author:  killin5 [ Mon Jul 21, 2003 8:13 am ]
Post subject:  Windshield Size

I was planning on installing a new windshield in my 63 Valiant this weekend. When I pulled the windshield out of the box and compared it to the original, it was about ¼ inch narrower on each side at the top. The bottom was a perfect fit.

Of course I panicked.

I am posting a link to a post in the archive where someone was having a similar issue. ... ield#13025

The part numbers are correct DW-0625. In my parts list they only have one windshield listed. I called the manufacturer and they said there is only one windshield available. They also said that I should not have a problem getting it to seal in the gaskets with that small of a difference.

Has anyone else experience this that can tell me how the install worked out?

I have planned to install the front and rear glass next Saturday, so I’ll keep you posted.


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