Slant Six Forum

Timing issue (?) on new rebuild
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Author:  Cuda Tom [ Tue Jul 02, 2019 5:37 am ]
Post subject:  Timing issue (?) on new rebuild

Looking for some guidance or suggestions.
Newly rebuilt '68 block slant six. Timing gear lines up correctly ( i think). Set motor to TDC and point rotor to #1. Motor wouldn't run. Fiddled and worked distributor around until it fired. Engine is running at 120° out. If I hook timing light up to the #5 plug, timing is pretty much right there. Not running real smooth and is showing signs of vacuum leak. If I hold hand over carb, rpms climb maybe 200-300 before i can choke it out. Haven't had it on the ground yet to see what it does on under load, like maybe fall on its face? I'd really like opinion on if timing marks on attached pic look correct to anyone before I pull the front end off the motor again. Any positive help is appreciated.

timing.jpg [ 171.68 KiB | Viewed 3012 times ]

Author:  GregCon [ Tue Jul 02, 2019 5:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Timing issue (?) on new rebuild

There's no way to tell from that pic (without some serious forensic analysis) if the timing is proper...but it sure doesn't look like the dots are lined why would you say they are?

I also don't understand why you would you say the engine in running 120 degrees out. Do you mean 120 degrees temperature or in terms of ignition timing or cam timing or?

The fact that the engine runs at all is a good sign re: cam timing. Don't let the position of the distributor rotor lead you astray...that's really just a function of how you install the distributor.

There's not enough good information in your post to help you much beyond that.

Author:  sixinthehead [ Tue Jul 02, 2019 10:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Timing issue (?) on new rebuild

In that picture, it looks like the engine needs to be turned another few degrees in order to check the alignment.
A line from the center of the crankshaft through the crank gear dot should point right at the center of the cam gear (yours seems to point off to the left in that picture) and then you can check the position of the cam gear dot.
It's hard to say for sure, but it looks like it would be right.

However, if you align the dots and install the distributor at #1, the timing will be off by 180* (#1 will be in overlap (both valves 'tight') instead of firing position).
Been there, done that :oops: .
There was another recent post about it in fact.
Don't use the dots to set ignition timing.

If that's what happened here, then you just have to pull the distributor back out and reset the engine to TDC with #1 in firing position (both valves should be 'loose'), then reinstall and set ignition timing from there.

Author:  neilskiw [ Wed Jul 03, 2019 7:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Timing issue (?) on new rebuild

Sounds a little like this recent thread... ... 19&t=63750

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