Slant Six Forum

Starter nose hits new flex plate, what to do?
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Author:  drgonzo [ Wed Jul 10, 2019 7:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Starter nose hits new flex plate, what to do?

I put a new flex plate on my engine I am swapping into my dart. Now I can't mount the starter that did fit with the stock flex plate. I haven't yet tried grinding on the starter housing but that might be a workable solution or a different starter perhaps. I hope someone can I.D> this mini starter as I have no idea what it is supposed to fit. It was installed on a car I bought some time back. Here are some pics. Any help is appreciated.
What do you think guys? Do I have the wrong flex plate or is there a better starter to use?

Author:  drgonzo [ Wed Jul 10, 2019 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starter nose hits new flex plate, what to do?

I took a stock starter off the shelf and it bolted right up so it's just the nose of the mini starter needs some modding. I'd still like to know what that mini starter is from if anyone can ID it.
Problem solved.

Author:  hyper_pak [ Thu Jul 11, 2019 12:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starter nose hits new flex plate, what to do?

It looks like the one I took off a 2000 Dakota, small V8 auto trans. The engine was one of the small metric motors from the doomed Daimler merger. Over head cams, not an LA style motor.

Author:  THOR [ Wed Jul 24, 2019 12:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starter nose hits new flex plate, what to do?

It looks like the one I took off a 2000 Dakota, small V8 auto trans. The engine was one of the small metric motors from the doomed Daimler merger. Over head cams, not an LA style motor.
That would likely be the oh-so-lovely "Power Tech" 4.7L V8...


Author:  drgonzo [ Wed Jul 24, 2019 12:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starter nose hits new flex plate, what to do?

Good to know. Thanks.

Author:  hyper_pak [ Wed Jul 24, 2019 6:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starter nose hits new flex plate, what to do?

It looks like the one I took off a 2000 Dakota, small V8 auto trans. The engine was one of the small metric motors from the doomed Daimler merger. Over head cams, not an LA style motor.
That would likely be the oh-so-lovely "Power Tech" 4.7L V8...

Gas Sucking Pig!

Author:  THOR [ Thu Jul 25, 2019 11:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Starter nose hits new flex plate, what to do?

It looks like the one I took off a 2000 Dakota, small V8 auto trans. The engine was one of the small metric motors from the doomed Daimler merger. Over head cams, not an LA style motor.
That would likely be the oh-so-lovely "Power Tech" 4.7L V8...

Gas Sucking Pig!

In addition to a horrendous reputation for being a boat anchor!


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