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Trunk Strut help needed on a 64 V200!!!!
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Author:  wanderer [ Sat Jul 26, 2003 7:55 am ]
Post subject:  Trunk Strut help needed on a 64 V200!!!!

HiYa Fellas,
I know what yer thinkin' there isn't a trunk strut on our cars....well there will be on mine(1964 Valiant 200 2 door sedan!), but I need some help. Yesterday went to my local auto parts store and asked if they had a chart that listed the pressure or weight that an individual strut would but we have an application chart...are you sure I ask? Yes he replied. Then I saw his brain shut down! I told him what I was doing and I might as well have been talking to the wall, he kinda nodded and pretended I wasn't there. Auto Parts counterpersons are not like it was when I was selling parts I tell ya! OK rant over , I need about 28 inches extended, I will be using the trunk strut mounts from a 65 Barracuda, I will remove the studs if need be. The closest I found was Motormite p/n 072-603(?) for a Mitsubishi Eclipse and they take 2 per car, I wonder if I only one it won't be too strong as I don't have glass to support. Any ideas?
Thanks in Advance!

Author:  Doctor Dodge [ Sun Jul 27, 2003 12:50 am ]
Post subject: 

How come you want to change over to the gas struts?
A-Body trunk lids had a torsion bar spring assist, when working right, these popped the lid open with a twist of the key.
Even if the trunk torsion bars are bent or missing, my bet would that it is easer to fix / replace them instead of trying to re-engineer the trunk to use gas struts.

Author:  Pierre [ Sun Jul 27, 2003 1:11 am ]
Post subject: 

Sometimes the lid doesn't pop up because the gasket is tacky and holds the lid down. That has happend on mine ever since I installed a new gasket. You can put some grease or oil (WD-40 would work well I imagine) on the gasket surface to help the lid pop up if that is the case.

Author:  wanderer [ Sun Jul 27, 2003 6:33 am ]
Post subject:  Trunk strut help

HiYa Pierre and Doctor,
Have a look see at

And you will see the need for the strut! Look carefully and you will see Barracuda fold down seat mounts(tried to get them but I am not a photographer!LOL!) I hope you like it!
Thanks Guys!
Gentry's Garage

Author:  GuyLR [ Sun Jul 27, 2003 6:45 am ]
Post subject: 

I get it now. Wanderer as in Desoto Wanderer. Good idea. I'd say that the trunk isn't any heavier than a Mopar mini van rear hatch and probably less. I'll bet one brand new support for say a '95 Caravan with all of its gas would do it. A junkyard strut might not as they tend to leak down over time.

Author:  wanderer [ Tue Jul 29, 2003 10:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Trunk strut

I will chjeck out thoose minivan struts..I think they may be a little to beefy but I bet I can get my 28 inches out of them!
Gentry's Garage

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