Slant Six Forum

CFM of 383 Carter BBD?
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Author: [ Tue Jul 30, 2019 7:12 pm ]
Post subject:  CFM of 383 Carter BBD?

I have available to me a Carter BBD two barrel off of a 63 383, I was wondering if anyone knows the CFM of this carb? I’m having a hard time finding info online. The barrel bore is 1.5” instead of the 1.25” of the 318 BBD. I’m looking for a carb for my Clifford intake, and think the carb may be oversized for my slant. Thank you.

Author:  hank2 [ Tue Jul 30, 2019 10:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CFM of 383 Carter BBD?

Others here will know far more than I do on the BBD. It seems that the original super six BBD was 240 or 260 cfm. Some trucks and 318's had 285 cfm models. with 1 7/16 throttle bores. I would guess that the bigger bore 383 BBD's may have been more like 320 cfm? Many, many years a go I had a '59 DeSota, then a '65 Chrysler as daily drivers with 383's and BBD's. Great carbs. I think most folks would say nay on a 383 BBD on a stock slant. It may also present problems with setting up as they were a lower height model, unless you used a higher spacer.

Author:  Killer6 [ Thu Aug 01, 2019 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CFM of 383 Carter BBD?

The problem with "CFM's" is they have been measured/rated by the OE's & Mfr.'s wet, dry, @3", 2.5", 2", & 1.5" of Hg depression, and for one of those....I'd probably measure the venturi & throttle bores and compare that to other listed modern carbs with the same dimensions, not going to be close to precise, but at least a good ballparking. The Holley 2210/45's were rated at 385 CFM@3"Hg,.....about 270CFM in common 4bbl terms @1.5"Hg. Don't remember those dimensions, but I have them, these were 360/400 2bbls, maybe some late 383's???
Whether it is over-sized depends on the package, the 2245 I ran on Mine was too small, If You've got good headwork and a decent cam/converter package,...I doubt it will be too much. Tuning it may be a challenge depending on what might be required. The Holley used std Holley jets, & the -45 model had a tune-able PV spring adjustment..............

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Thu Aug 01, 2019 6:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CFM of 383 Carter BBD?

The 1-1/2" big-V8 2bbl carbs (Carter BBD, Bendix Stromberg WWC3, Holley 2210) are not a wise choice for use on a Slant-6 engine, unless poor driveability and fuel economy are the goals.

Author:  GregCon [ Fri Aug 02, 2019 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CFM of 383 Carter BBD?

You could always fill in one of the barrels with JB Weld....

Author: [ Fri Aug 02, 2019 8:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CFM of 383 Carter BBD?

Thank you for all the great info, this forum is the best. I needed some info to make a decision. Thanks for steering me away.

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