Slant Six Forum

Help with spark plugs...for my 225
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Author:  beto_valiant64 [ Fri Aug 09, 2019 9:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Help with spark plugs...for my 225

Help, i have a 1964 Valiant 225 3.7L and i cant find spark plugs with a 5/8" hex on it, everywhere i go they have the 13/16" hex, can somebody please tell me the brand and number (spark plug i can use) thank you...
the 13/16" hex are too big, socket didnt even fit.... :cry:

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Fri Aug 09, 2019 10:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with spark plugs...for my 225

The original plugs used a 13/16" hex (you would need the correct socket for them). The best plugs to use, though, do have the smaller 5/8" hex. They're this one, the NGK ZFR5N (stock number 3459). Remove the metal ring washer from each plug before installing it; the ring washers are not used on '63-'74 Slant-6s. Find more tune-up parts and technique suggestions in this post.

Author:  Dart270 [ Sat Aug 10, 2019 5:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with spark plugs...for my 225

Make sure of the year engine you have. Does it have the aluminum spark plug tube inserts? If so, then Dan is right and 13/16" is stock but some aftermarket plugs use 5/8". Make sure to get the right plugs for your engine as there are two totally different types.


Author:  GTS225 [ Sat Aug 10, 2019 6:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with spark plugs...for my 225

Make sure of the year engine you have. Does it have the aluminum spark plug tube inserts? If so, then Dan is right and 13/16" is stock but some aftermarket plugs use 5/8". Make sure to get the right plugs for your engine as there are two totally different types.

To be more technically correct, make sure of the year of the head that's on your engine. It could have been replaced at some time in the past with a later year head, perhaps in order to "fix" a bad valve problem.


Author:  beto_valiant64 [ Sat Aug 10, 2019 9:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with spark plugs...for my 225

The original plugs used a 13/16" hex (you would need the correct socket for them). The best plugs to use, though, do have the smaller 5/8" hex. They're this one, the NGK ZFR5N (stock number 3459). Remove the metal ring washer from each plug before installing it; the ring washers are not used on '63-'74 Slant-6s. Find more tune-up parts and technique suggestions in this post.

thank you... :mrgreen:

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