Slant Six Forum

Are stabilizer bars good to have?
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Author:  '74 Sport [ Tue Jul 29, 2003 8:38 am ]
Post subject:  Are stabilizer bars good to have?

First of all, I assume that the terms "stabilizer" and "sway" bars are the same animal. Our project '74 Dart Sport does not have it, neither does our '76 Duster parts car. While we are swapping the Duster disc brakes over to the Sport, I will be ordering a new front suspension kit from PST.
According to their catalog, included in their standard kit are "2 stabilizer links, bolt and sleeve type links only" and "2 sway bar bushings". Since we don't have a stabilizer/sway bar, the links and bushings are added unnecessary expense. However, if the car could greatly benefit from having one of these bars, I might consider getting the links, etc. and start looking for a sway bar.

I understand that the bar slides through openings in the A-body's K frame.
Are all the necessary mounting holes, etc. going to be where they are supposed to be, making for a simple bolt-on project? Does the bar have to come from another A-body, or do others fit as well?

Any comments welcome,

Author:  Dart270 [ Tue Jul 29, 2003 10:28 am ]
Post subject: 

Yes, sway/stabilizer bars are a good thing to have for handling/cornering. On your '74, the bolt on kits work quite well. I would just get a front bar to begin with and see how you like it.

Few Mopar A bodies handle better with the addition of rear sway bars, so it is likely not needed.

Have fun!


Author:  '74 Sport [ Tue Jul 29, 2003 11:26 am ]
Post subject: 

Does the bar have to come from an A-body, or is there a larger selection I can begin looking for? Not that many A-bodies around here. :(

Author:  Doc [ Tue Jul 29, 2003 2:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Does the bar have to come from an A-body, or is there a larger selection I can begin looking for? Not that many A-bodies around here. :(
If you have welding equipment and skills then other anti-sway bars can be adapted to your A-Body.

If you are not big on metal fabrication, you are better off just getting a bolt-on kit, order them from JC Whitney or any of the other suspension parts mail order companies.

BTW, anti-sway bars are the #1 best thing to do to a A-Body, it is great "bang for the buck".
Front and rear anti-sway bar kits will run you about $250.00 and a Saturday to install but you will have a different car when the job is done.

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