Slant Six Forum

Offenhauser 2×1 intake manifold installation.
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Author:  Lovato64 [ Tue Feb 25, 2020 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Offenhauser 2×1 intake manifold installation.

I was just wondering what is needed to install the Offenhauser 2×1 intake manifold and how on my 1964 dodge dart gt??

Author:  hyper_pak [ Wed Feb 26, 2020 6:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Offenhauser 2×1 intake manifold installation.

Well you need two carbs and air cleaners.
Offy makes a linkage kit that will control both carbs, but not sure about the connection to your pedal.
Auto trans will need some connection to the kickdown rod.

tell us what you have and what you want to do.

Author:  Lovato64 [ Thu Feb 27, 2020 7:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Offenhauser 2×1 intake manifold installation.

I just want to know how to connect it to the pedal, and how to do the connection to the kickdown rod. Also, how to connect the chokes.

Author:  SpaceFrank [ Thu Feb 27, 2020 8:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Offenhauser 2×1 intake manifold installation.

There are some decent pics on Google if you search "offenhauser slant six dual carb manifold." See below, but here's another one that's a bit larger.


It looks like the stock '64 throttle rod attaches to the rear carb in the same way that it would attach to a single carb. The Offenhauser linkage attaches to both carb throttle linkages, pivots at two points on the manifold, and translates the throttle movement from the rear carb to the front carb.

However, the attachment point with the car's rotating throttle rod is a few inches further rearward than it is with a stock single carb. I doubt there's enough slack to slide that rod backward through the firewall, so you may have to cut and weld it a bit shorter. Or if you have no access to a welder, maybe get creative with a thread die and a coupling nut. That stock throttle rod also includes an arm for the stock kickdown mechanism.

Author:  SpaceFrank [ Thu Feb 27, 2020 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Offenhauser 2×1 intake manifold installation.

If you don't have carbs yet, you'd also want at least one of them to be the early type with the bracket for that throttle rod. Or get even more creative with fabrication.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Thu Feb 27, 2020 12:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Offenhauser 2×1 intake manifold installation.

You'd want this linkage kit, which adapts the pre-'67 rod-type throttle linkage as on your '64 to operate the dual 1bbls. See also here annd here, and base your choke conversion (as shown in one of thos elinks) on a № 1234 Electric choke kit. To successfully run the 2×1 setup, you need two identical carburetors. Identical in specification, identical in condition. "Close enough" isn't, and neither is "they both fit and look about the same".

Holley 1945 carbs are a really good pick for a 2×1 setup. Fortunately, they're also the least difficult to find as new old stock (perfect condition) items. It will usually still take patience to wind up with two identical ones.

Air cleaners: two stock '63-'67 "small and tall" 1bbl units.

Author:  hyper_pak [ Thu Feb 27, 2020 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Offenhauser 2×1 intake manifold installation.

Do this air cleaner mod, this looks great. IMO

Offy Dual Air Cleaner 02.JPG
Offy Dual Air Cleaner 02.JPG [ 45.4 KiB | Viewed 5013 times ]
Offy Dual Air Cleaner 01.JPG
Offy Dual Air Cleaner 01.JPG [ 42.69 KiB | Viewed 5013 times ]

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