Slant Six Forum

62 Lancer Rear Question
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Author:  killin5 [ Wed Aug 06, 2003 7:12 am ]
Post subject:  62 Lancer Rear Question

I have a friend who has a friend with a 62 Lancer. I was asked to find out where to get a new set of axle bearing for this car.

Not being too familiar with the 62 Lancer, I have a couple of questions.

Is this an early A body car? Like the 62 Valiant? If so, would it use the same rear end as all other A bodies? Given the difference in the drive shaft for the various rear end models.

John Killin

Author:  Charrlie_S [ Thu Aug 07, 2003 6:07 am ]
Post subject: 

From what I understand, the axel bearings for that rear are smaller, then the later rears, and no longer available. One thing you might be able to do, is get the number off the old bearing, and check with an industrial bearing supply house. They might be able to cross the number. If you have a later model rear available, go that route. The bearings are larger, and still available. All "A" body rears are interchangeable. Only issue, is the mid 70's rears went to the 4 1/2 inch wheel bolt pattern.

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