Slant Six Forum

recommended post '84 spark plugs
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Author:  a100gary [ Fri Mar 13, 2020 5:38 pm ]
Post subject:  recommended post '84 spark plugs

I have a '65 A100 and was treating the slant as a '65 as well. Well I got a peek at the top of the block and the date is April 21, 1976. The plugs in the engine are Autolight 65's, and what I was going to put in were NGK UR5's. The Autolight's sit much deeper into the combustion chamber (16mm of threads) NGK has 10mm, Which do you prefer? Thank you!!

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Fri Mar 13, 2020 7:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: recommended post '84 spark plugs

NGK UR5 is a taper-seat plug suitable for use in '75 and newer cylinder heads. It is physically not suitable for use in '74 and older cylinder heads.

Autolite 65 is a gasket-seat plug suitable for use in '74 and older cylinder heads. It is physically not suitable for use in '75 and newer cylinder heads.

All Slant-6 heads fit on all Slant-6 blocks, so the date on the block doesn't necessarily tell what kind of head you have. If your head has spark plug tubes (stamped aluminum tube, flared and O-ringed at one end, about 3" long) surrounding the spark plugs, that's a '74-down head that requires gasket-seat plugs, in which case the plug you want to run is the NGK ZFR5N, after removing the metal ring washer from each spark plug (unless you have a '60-'62 head, then leave the ring washers on).

If you do not have spark plug tubes, that's a '75-up head that requires taper-seat plugs, then use UR5 spark plugs.

Also see tune-up parts and technique suggestions in this post.

Author:  a100gary [ Fri Mar 13, 2020 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: recommended post '84 spark plugs

Thanks Dan. So I have a early head on a post '84 block. I'm learning.

Author:  volaredon [ Sun Mar 15, 2020 11:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: recommended post '84 spark plugs

Post 84? You said yourself that it was a 1976 block in the 1st post.

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