Slant Six Forum

Cooler (temp) Fuel Line Mod - super easy
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Author:  csheehy [ Mon Mar 30, 2020 10:42 am ]
Post subject:  Cooler (temp) Fuel Line Mod - super easy

Not that the current fuel modification doesn't work, I'm confident it does, but my mind took me down a different path.

I too was having some no-start issues on hot days because of fuel percolation, but I not wanting to drape another line over the valve cover, I was hesitant to do the SSD modification. Instead, I used a thicker carb gasket from Walker, and slid some NASA looking cover over my exiting fuel line from the pump to (just before) the carb. This cover reflects heat, so the location seemed like a perfect match. The picture is linked below along with some more details. (tips welcome on how to display images)

What isn't pictured is that I used hose-ties to seal both ends as well as about every 4-inches along the tube to isolate any heat and prevent creep. The line, installs in it's original position without modification. I can't say it works better than Dan's mod, but it worked for me on several 100F+ days.

If I were to do it again, I'd use a Stainless Steel line for the mod, which I think would further reduce heat transfer.

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