Slant Six Forum

RTV Shelf Life Info
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Author:  DadTruck [ Thu May 07, 2020 7:53 am ]
Post subject:  RTV Shelf Life Info

Seeing favorable comments about the Permatex Right Stuff I went to their web site to get additional information.
At the site I found an additional Permatex RTV product 'Ultra Synthetic' said to be formulated specifically for synthetic oils.
I plan to run a light grade synthetic in this new motor so I contacted my local auto parts shop, They did not have it in stock but could have it in the next day.

I picked up the un opened package last evening. it was not opened, but appeared to have been around for a while. There was a code printed on the tube, I went on line and found that
is a date code - lot number. The date code on the tube I had just purchased 7KZ2338 is translated to; the first number is the year of manufacture indicator, so a 7 is likely 2017, the K is alphabetical order for the month of manufacture, so the K is November. Meaning the product I just purchased was manufactured in November of 2017.

I was concerned over the shelf life of the RTV, as with most not fully activated compounds, they may react even in a sealed package. I went back to the Permatex web site and posted a question to their tech line last evening. Their response is the Permatex RTV has a two year shelf life. So the product that I purchased in May of 2020 was already expired by 6 months.

I will be returning the Ultra Synthetic for a refund today.

When purchasing and working with RTV, pay attention to the manufacturing date codes.
Loctite products would also have a shelf life.

RTV 1.jpg
RTV 1.jpg [ 119.75 KiB | Viewed 4623 times ]
rtv 2.jpg
rtv 2.jpg [ 70.63 KiB | Viewed 4623 times ]

Author:  GregCon [ Thu May 07, 2020 8:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RTV Shelf Life Info

I often buy caulk at Homey Depot that is hardened in the tube, or well on its way to being hardened. This happens especially with higher-end product that people don't buy as often.

The worst is concrete's like $24 a tube and when you get it home you find out it's useless.

Author:  Dart270 [ Thu May 07, 2020 8:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RTV Shelf Life Info

Interesting. I have never seen RTV cure substantially in the tube, at least with tubes ~ 5yrs old or less. It needs water to cure, so I would think only if the metal tube is compromised could it cure prematurely. I'll be on the lookout.

I have a can of Right Stuff that is a couple of years old and I used half of it. We'll see if it's OK next time I do an oilpan install.


Author:  DadTruck [ Thu May 07, 2020 8:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RTV Shelf Life Info

RTV cure substantially in the tube
the issue that happens with expired RTV is that is does not cure,,,,

which is one way to test the product,, expose a small batch to air,, if it sets, in the time depending upon the product, it should be OK,
but still I would believe what the manufacturer says,, do some internet searches for 'RTV leaks,,, RTV not curing,,, " and so forth,, you will not need to look long that there
are issues. Expired product is a cause for the product to not kick over.

Author:  Dart270 [ Thu May 07, 2020 10:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RTV Shelf Life Info

Oh weird. I will have to think about the polymer science of that... Thanks again for sharing.


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