Slant Six Forum

Melling Camshaft quality.
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Author:  Bob_A [ Sat Jun 20, 2020 10:30 am ]
Post subject:  Melling Camshaft quality.

I have a brand new Melling cam and solid lifters to put in my 84. Had the groove cut in the rear journal to provide constant oil to top end too! 20 bucks! Thanks local machine shop! ANYWAY, I’m re-using my original oil pump and gear, and wondering if anyone knows of any issues with Melling cam gears. Thanks!

Author:  drgonzo [ Sat Jun 20, 2020 2:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Melling Camshaft quality.

Is the engine an '84 model? If so, it should have a hydraulic cam set up. I have had good luck with Melling products but have never had one of their cams.

Author:  volaredon [ Sat Jun 20, 2020 2:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Melling Camshaft quality.

never used a /6 Melling cam specifically, but have used them for a couple of other applications on overhauls I have done and never had an issue.

Author:  Bob_A [ Sat Jun 20, 2020 7:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Melling Camshaft quality.

In other applications, I’ve always trusted Melling stuff too. My experience is principally with flathead Willys engines and small block Chevies though. Figured I’d ask all the same, theres a wealth of slant 6 knowledge and experience on here. The engine is an 84, but I’m changing it to solid lifters, cause the whole hydraulic setup was worn out and noisy as hell. Keeping tappets adjusted isn’t a problem. Especially on my engine, where everything has been removed to where it might as well be a 64 as an 84. I value simplicity, reliability, and the ability to easily repair things away from home above all.

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sun Jun 21, 2020 7:44 am ]
Post subject:  D


Author:  Charrlie_S [ Sun Jun 21, 2020 8:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Melling Camshaft quality.

Had the groove cut in the rear journal to provide constant oil to top end too!
Not sure why you'd do this on a solid lifter camshaft...the solid lifters don't need to pump up like the hydraulic
lifter system so the solids just need a bit of oil to keep the wear surfaces lubed....
I do this on all my non stock slants, for rocker lubing. However I don't make the groove as big as on the hydraulic cams. I just take a die grinder with a cutoff wheel, and go around the rear journal, freehand, maybe .050-.100 deep. Looks like a drunken sailor did it. Then I tap the oil passage in the rear rocker stand and put a drilled plug (can you say restrictor) in there, if I am getting too much oil. This will also compensate for the oil holes in the cam not being in the proper location.

Author:  Bob_A [ Sun Jun 21, 2020 8:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Melling Camshaft quality.

The groove I had put on the cam is exactly like the one on the hydraulic cam. It also has the solid lifter holes. So, I don’t imagine that it matters too much if the holes line up just right. How would you know that there was too much oil going to the rockers? It should be about the same as was going to the hydraulic top end. I have a BEAUTIFUL set of NOS rockers and shaft (Thanks!) so I want them to get plenty of oil. I had thought of tapping the cam hole and installing a red Loc-Tite setscrew to eliminate that. Then oil feed would be identical to what the hydraulic had, but not sure that the extra oil with the hole would do anything but good.

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