Slant Six Forum

insulating wrap
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Author:  DadTruck [ Wed Jun 24, 2020 5:53 pm ]
Post subject:  insulating wrap

I was wanting to add a level of insulation to the cable section of the ratchet shifter that ran in the area of the headers on the '68 Barracuda.

On the 83 D150 I had used some DEI insulating wrap to protect some wires, generally I though that product was over priced and not robust against heat or use-wear.

I found this Thermoshield product at Cable Ties and More, a lot less expensive. Initially I was just going to shroud the cable for the ratchet shifter, but with the low price I decided to get enough to cover the transmission lines that run under the headers by the engine.

here is 4 feet of 3/8 inch wrap for $8.35

Author:  DadTruck [ Wed Jun 24, 2020 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: insulating wrap


insulating wrap.jpg
insulating wrap.jpg [ 132.62 KiB | Viewed 2911 times ]

Author:  ProCycle [ Wed Jun 24, 2020 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: insulating wrap

I think that if the insulation is wrapped all the way around the cables they will still get just as hot - it will just take longer for the heat to soak in. There should be a heat barrier between the headers and the cables but some ability for air circulation across the cool side of the heat barrier and over the cables.

Author:  DadTruck [ Thu Jun 25, 2020 6:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: insulating wrap

if the insulation is wrapped all the way around the cables they will still get just as hot - it will just take longer for the heat to soak in.
yes it will take longer to heat soak as a portion of the heat energy is radiated away by the reflective metal foil. But the insulated component will not eventually become the same temperature as the nearby hot component.

What you are missing is the ability of the foil wrap to also conduct heat away. If the insulated piece was totally enclose in an oven, like a foil wrapped beef roast in an oven, then yes the
heat would penetrate the wrapping and cook it from all sides.

However that is not what is going on with insulating cables and lines in an engine compartment. Some sections of the insulated components are close to a heat source (header pipe) and some sections of the insulated components are much further away from the heat source. Metal foil also moves heat energy by conduction. So the heat energy in the insulating wrap moves from the hotter area of the wrap to the cooler area of the wrap and a portion of the heat is continuously dissipated.

Author:  volaredon [ Thu Jun 25, 2020 3:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: insulating wrap

I've gotten a similar wrap from my son, they use a bunch of it at his work... he works maintenance at a steel mill. often they throw away the ends of a roll....

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