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Valve and engine mounts questions
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Author:  Pgbarrow [ Sun Jul 05, 2020 7:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Valve and engine mounts questions

Hi everyone,

I am hoping to get my frame in the next month, but have a couple of things I could use advice on.

First, I took off my valve cover for the first time and took a look at my valves. I would like to clean everything, but wanted to make sure I was using the correct product or procedure. I am assuming spraying everything down with brake cleaner would be a bad idea. Additionally, should I be concerned that the large plug on the left of the photo seems to have two of its four sidewalls broken away?

Second, I was reading through my service manual and spotted that it talked about rear engine mounts. I have not seen anything that looks like a mounting point and can't make sense of the drawings. Googling it has not been very clear either. I know of the front two mounts and the transmission mount, but is there a third rear engine mount I should plan to fabricate?


Paul Barrow

Engine Mounts.jpg
Engine Mounts.jpg [ 13.36 KiB | Viewed 1833 times ]
Valves.jpg [ 22.59 KiB | Viewed 1833 times ]

Author:  Dart270 [ Mon Jul 06, 2020 3:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Valve and engine mounts questions

Is your engine running fine and is oil pressure good, and do you have oil coming out from between the rockers and on tops of the rockers while it is running? Try pulling valve cover after running eng for 10 min or more and start it again and look at the rocker arms for oil coming out. If these are true, then I would NOT try to clean the crud off the top of the engine. Disturbing chunks of this will likely get into oil passages and cause damage. I would simply change your oil more often and let the new oil clean things slowly.

The rear engine mount is most likely just the transmission mount. I believe Chrysler used this terminology sometimes (always?). Others can feel free to correct me...


Author:  Pgbarrow [ Mon Jul 06, 2020 6:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Valve and engine mounts questions

Thanks Dart270,

I will just put the cover back on then. I've run the engine a whopping eight seconds as its not hooked up to a radiator...or sitting in a vehicle. This is a rat rod build so using this engine as the base.

And that makes sense about the rear engine/transmission mount. Thanks for clearing that up.


Paul Barrow

Author:  Dart270 [ Mon Jul 06, 2020 12:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Valve and engine mounts questions

While you have the cover off, you may want to do a "cold" valve lash adjustment. Do the factory procedure with the engine off, but set the valves at 0.012" intake and 0.022" exhaust and it should run fine.


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