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Author:  Pat Osburn [ Tue Aug 12, 2003 2:45 am ]
Post subject:  Exhaust

I am putting together a serious slant 6 to run at the local drags. I have read some of the offerings by other members concerning headers/exhaust. I am running a 3x2 weber setup, but the clifford headers do not work with their intake. It looks like I will have to build my exhaust system from a header kit. What is the best configuration. 3into1 X 2 or 6into1, or other. I don't need to see two pipes out the back, only performance, one 3 inch pipe is ok, Clifford offers a header flange kit for 80 bucks, has any one used on of these kits. I am a little gun shy of Clifford.

Dart270, I would especially like to hear from you. and the Apex guys, I am in Efland, NC.


Author:  Doc [ Tue Aug 12, 2003 9:39 am ]
Post subject: 

Hi Pat,
Good to see you made it onto the message board.
As you know, I can make a "Dutra Duals" set to fit the 3 weber manifold.

How far off are the headers you have? could you move a few tubes and get them to work?

It blows my mind that Clifford will sell someone a manifold and header set that will not bolt / work together. :roll:

Author:  Charrlie_S [ Tue Aug 12, 2003 1:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Clifford, says in their catalog, header modification may be required. Makes a lot of sense. :wink: :wink:

Author:  Pat Osburn [ Fri Aug 15, 2003 5:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hi DD and Charles. Cifford offered to sell me a header flange kit, and I questioned them about the thckness of the flange, since it must be the same thickness as the intake, since it has a common bolt and retainer. Clifford informed me that their flange was 3/8 inch thick, That will not work with any of the known Intakes, even the stock one. I measured the flange thickness of the Clifford headers that I have and they are 1/2 in thick, (same as the intake). where of these guys coming from. Not to worry, I can cut my own flange, (plasma arc up to 3/4), and all I need is a template. which I can make. . EXHAUST PROBLEM SOLVED. Now, what I really need is some indepth gut bottom of the barell secrets. I only have one chance. I want to build a 170, naturally aspirated, digger. I would like to know if there is a cam mfg, that offers a roller set up. I would like to run this mess on the street, but would like to wave that option for a record, naturally aspirated slant six.


Author:  Pat Osburn [ Fri Aug 15, 2003 5:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Getting back to the header situation, send me a digital of your header and how much they cost. I know if you made'm they are the best.

Pat osburn

Author:  Doctor Dodge [ Fri Aug 15, 2003 9:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

I will get you some info on "Dutra duals but from what i'm reading, headers are what you will need.
I'm not sure where the class records are for F Gas but I would bet that it is wayyyy up there. You will have your work cut-out for you.
Fear not, you can still have some fun with this, are you getting the Slant Six Racing Newletter? We have club records there as well as a lot of other fun stuff going, funny hoe you have Charlie an myself on the thread, we are the 'low block' diehards of the group.

Sounds like we need a little more info on the class you want to run in, are roller cams allowed?

Lots of head work, lots of compression and some basic block prep tricks and you can get a 170 to run. You can also sneek-in a 198 crank and get some more cubic inches working for you. My stroked 170 has gone 12.70s with a little shot of NOS. :shock:

You may remember this article:

Author:  Pat Osburn [ Sat Aug 16, 2003 3:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Intake/Exhause compatibility

Hi Dr. Doug and Charlie. Thanks for the timely response. I have just ordered a NHRA rule book. I will have to find out what engine/chassis modification are allowed for what class. In the good ole days, there was a Modified Production Class that allowed engine swapping, and Engine Mods up to a point. That is where I want to run. I have some old trophies that I got running a 62 Lancer with an alum. SL6. I wish I had it back. ANYWAY, I am closing in on my Design, Probably a 210 cu in short block in a D50 pick up body, unless I can find a lighter Mopar body.

Doug, I still would like a picture of your headers that will work with my Clifford (Weber) intake.


Author:  Doctor Dodge [ Sat Aug 16, 2003 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Intake/Exhause compatibility

Hi Dr. Doug and Charlie. Thanks for the timely response. I have just ordered a NHRA rule book. I will have to find out what engine/chassis modification are allowed for what class. In the good ole days, there was a Modified Production Class that allowed engine swapping, and Engine Mods up to a point. That is where I want to run. I have some old trophies that I got running a 62 Lancer with an alum. SL6. I wish I had it back. ANYWAY, I am closing in on my Design, Probably a 210 cu in short block in a D50 pick up body, unless I can find a lighter Mopar body.

Doug, I still would like a picture of your headers that will work with my Clifford (Weber) intake.
Pick-up... :shock:
Get something lighter :twisted:
I got one that would make a goosd racecar:

As for cast Iron duals, here is a picture of a set I made for a singel side draft Weber on a Lynx manifold.
I would use the same idea for the triple Webber.

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