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Weird Speedometer........
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Author:  emsvitil [ Sun Nov 08, 2020 5:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Weird Speedometer........

When it was warm out, occasionally I'd hear a rubbing noise from the speedometer.

The colder it was, the longer it would last. Usually quit in about 1/2 mile (or less).

I assumed it was the cable, and the lube needed to warm up and I'd eventually put in Dan's magic speedo lube elixir....

Well it's cold today (for So California) and the rubbing kept up.

It not only kept up, but because I got on the freeway, the speedo was reading a bit high (90mph).

Gradually it started to read normal and have no rubbing noise. (hit a bump, hear rubbing, and it would read high).

So I'm thinking the rubbing is internal to the speedometer and not the cable (although lubing the cable won't hurt).

Just a bit mystified why temperature has an effect........

Would lubing the cable help? Don't see how the cable could affect the speedometer mechanism.

Any other ideas?

Author:  Dart270 [ Mon Nov 09, 2020 2:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Weird Speedometer........

In speedo I'm pretty sure. Its mechanisms can be lightly lubed, but I do not recall procedure. There are also services that can rebuild it. I remember I used one in CO and one in WI. (WI folks I used more recently) (not sure if this was the CO one, but likely)


Author:  Charrlie_S [ Mon Nov 09, 2020 3:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Weird Speedometer........

Inside the speedo head, is a cup connected to the needle. The cable spins a magnet which is inside the cup. After many years of spinning, the "tiny" bushings that support the magnet shaft, get worn, and the shaft and magnet drop slightly, and the magnet rubs on the cup. There is very little clearance between the magnet and the cup. When it gets cold the diameter of the cup gets smaller, and the gap goes away, magnet rubs on the cup. As it gets warmer, the diameter of the cup increases, and the rubbing stops. Is that clear as mud?

Author:  Dart270 [ Mon Nov 09, 2020 12:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Weird Speedometer........

Thanks, Charlie. Wonderful.


Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Mon Nov 09, 2020 2:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Weird Speedometer........

I had similar issues.. got the speedo apart and lubed the worm gear with vaseline on a Q tip. Fixed it on my 79 volare with 230,000 on the original speedo head.

As charrlie said It could be other parts that need attenrion as well.


Author:  emsvitil [ Mon Nov 09, 2020 2:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Weird Speedometer........

Charlie, that was actually clear.......


Although there's lots of time on the speedo, there isn't much miles (~24k).


So how hard is it to remove?

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