Slant Six Forum

Looking for Brutal Truth on 6-1 Headers
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Author:  Daddiojoe [ Thu Aug 14, 2003 10:36 am ]
Post subject:  Looking for Brutal Truth on 6-1 Headers

Give it to me straight, Doc. I hear various things, and basically want to know Are They Worth It? Worth the trouble and cost? I'm looking for dependability first, but power is always nice. I'm considering headers for a super-sixed 71 D100 that is my daily driver.

Cons: I've heard that they tend to leak around the head and rust out easily.

Pros: power gain and they look cool.

What say the experts?



Author:  Doc [ Thu Aug 14, 2003 10:50 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm the wrong person to ask on this, for me, tube steel headers are for race cars.
For street and street performance, cast iron manifolds are the way to go, split manifolds like the Dutra Duals work real nice and last forever. :wink:

Author:  moose340 [ Thu Aug 14, 2003 12:13 pm ]
Post subject:  headers

Well I do have a 6 to 1 header on mine. the cons and pros you have are correct. But to take away the cons I painted and baked the header. i also thermo wrapped the header. i di have to modify the header to work with the intake. basically i took out the grinder til they fit perfect. the only other thing of course is leaks. If someone made a metal gasket for the intake/exhaust the leak problem would probably be solved. but the next best thing was to use copper sealer on the gasket. The collector end i used a metal gasket from Dynomax.

On the other hand, manifolds are less work.

Author:  Bruce Johnson [ Thu Aug 14, 2003 1:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

trucks can always use a little more power how much you would get is hard to say when I installed a Hooker 6to1 on my truck I did some head work at the same time. getting things tight with that header is a bugger but I found if I tightend the least accessable nuts allong the bottom first Then the top ones the gasget supplyed worked well. I had to retighten now and then but never had a leak. I used that header about 12 years uncoated, its still usable tho rather thin. O, I had the little tube thats suppose to heat the intake manifold break a couple of times I would just weld it closed from the get go it really doesent do much for heat.. the collector dumps in an odd place had to make a rather loopy piece of pipe to get the exhast on the other side of the truck away from the gas tank good luck Bruce J.

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