Slant Six Forum

Requesting Help With Identifying Piece of ‘62 Valiant Body
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Author:  Fantastic Floyd [ Sun Jan 03, 2021 3:58 am ]
Post subject:  Requesting Help With Identifying Piece of ‘62 Valiant Body

I own a ‘62 Valiant, but the car in the photo is from a ebay listing for an under hood insulation pad.

The part I can’t identify is the black-painted piece bolted down in front of the radiator.

Is this a factory piece that I’ve never seen, or something home-made? I contacted the seller, but they do not own the car, and had no idea what the part was.

Also, would anyone know what it’s for? I’m assuming for strengthening the body, but I figured I’d ask. Any information about this piece would be great, thanks.
File comment: What is that black piece on this ‘62 Valiant, in front of the radiator?
42B20358-4CB8-4D1A-AF1C-6E0435F85F63.jpeg [ 237.53 KiB | Viewed 3227 times ]

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Jan 03, 2021 2:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Requesting Help With Identifying Piece of ‘62 Valiant Body

The part you're asking about is the radiator yoke panel, and it's actually a 3-piece set: left, centre, and right. It is present on '60 and '61 Valiants, not on '62s and not on '61-'62 Lancers (because their radiator support panel is designed differently). From the FPC illustrations it appears intended to guide incoming air through the radiator core rather than sweeping up and overtop the radiator.

That's a '61 Valiant in the pic, not a '62.

Author:  Fantastic Floyd [ Tue Jan 26, 2021 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Requesting Help With Identifying Piece of ‘62 Valiant Body

Thanks, Dan!

You’ve got one hell of a head for this stuff, and I sure do appreciate it, every time. I’ve never even seen a ‘60 or a ‘61 up close before, I’d probably never have figured out what it was. It looked like such a beefy piece of metal, with big ol’ bolts, that I assumed it was there for adding rigidity of some kind.

Apologies for this late reply, I’d plum forgotten I’d posted the question. That’s what I get for posting a question during one of those strange “up for three hours in the middle of the night” freak-outs. I don’t think I’ll be posting at that time again anytime soon, or at least that’s my plan. It’s much less flaky and annoying that way, I reckon, and I’m not usually like that, anyhow.

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