Slant Six Forum

Just for fun
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Author:  Pat Osburn [ Sat Aug 16, 2003 3:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Just for fun

DD and Charles. In passing, (regarding the Clifford debacle) I got involved with Jack Clifford, a few years ago, I got the hots for a 308 Hudson, and he had a 54 Jet with a 308 Hornet motor that he offered to sell me already set up and running at the drags, I almost went for it, I wonder what I would have wound up with. I love inline 6's


Author:  Doctor Dodge [ Sat Aug 16, 2003 11:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Just for fun

DD and Charles. In passing, (regarding the Clifford debacle) I got involved with Jack Clifford, a few years ago, I got the hots for a 308 Hudson, and he had a 54 Jet with a 308 Hornet motor that he offered to sell me already set up and running at the drags, I almost went for it, I wonder what I would have wound up with. I love inline 6's
Slants have something those other big inch inline don't have, a stronger following.
With over 12 million SL6 engines produced, they are still pretty easy to find and race.

SO....screw one together and lets see what she will do! :twisted:

Author:  Eric W [ Sat Aug 16, 2003 11:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

I've read that those Hudson "Twin H" 308's dominated stock car racing in the early '50's. That Jet must really scream since they performed well in the heavier Hornets. Cool cars. If I remember right the hot 308 put out 210hp. Pretty good when most of the stock V8's of the time put out 180hp.

Author:  Pat Osburn [ Sun Aug 17, 2003 2:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm getting the iron together, I need to find a 198 crank. I have everything else. I have the header problem solved, (I will make My own), Would like to do some modification to the head, ie, porting and maybe larger valves. I'll attack that problem when I get there. Thanks for all the resonses, I have had a field day reading all this good stuff. Re: the pickup. I am talking about a D50 (Mitisubishi) couldn't weight as much a a 65 Dart, (which I have two of) I guess I'll pass on the 62 Valiant, it would make a good digger, If it was next door, I might consider it, But CALIFORNIA, ??


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