Slant Six Forum

Timing set replacement, Basic cam degreeing questions
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Author:  Jase [ Sat Mar 13, 2021 4:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Timing set replacement, Basic cam degreeing questions

Engine swap in progress. Front of the truck has no grill or radiator, so now is a good time to replace the timing set.

Basic questions, as I have never done this before, but read that it is the right thing to do as the tolerances can stack up and the engine won't run as well as it should.

I would like to do this with the head on, Will a spark plug style piston stop work on the 225?

Guessing I will be using the @.050 method? Can I set the dial indicator up to read off the rocker arm just above the pushrod?

Does the 244° intake, 0.416" lift. ' 1970's cam get installed straight up, or advanced?

Any and all suggestions, or perspective welcome.

Author:  Joshie225 [ Sat Mar 13, 2021 6:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Timing set replacement, Basic cam degreeing questions

A piston stop is fine. Never rotate the engine with the starter when using the piston stop. The .050" intake centerline method is what I use. I remove the rocker shaft and put the dial indicator plunger in the pushrod cup. Be sure to use the second lifter from the front. Ask me how I know. :roll: The cam is ground to have 106° intake centerline and 109° lobe separation angle so it's 3° advanced.

Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Sat Mar 13, 2021 6:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Timing set replacement, Basic cam degreeing questions

Be sure to use the second lifter from the front. Ask me how I know. :roll: .

Yes I have done the same silly thing a few years back.


Author:  Jase [ Sun Mar 14, 2021 8:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Timing set replacement, Basic cam degreeing questions

The cam is ground to have 106° intake centerline and 109° lobe separation angle so it's 3° advanced.
It is obvious to me that I am at the edge of my understanding here. I can stay with what you are saying in a very general sense. Hopefully a few attempts with the degree wheel will both expand, and deepen my understanding.. This is gonna be fun!

Author:  Joshie225 [ Sun Mar 14, 2021 10:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Timing set replacement, Basic cam degreeing questions

The cam is ground to have 106° intake centerline and 109° lobe separation angle so it's 3° advanced.
It is obvious to me that I am at the edge of my understanding here. I can stay with what you are saying in a very general sense. Hopefully a few attempts with the degree wheel will both expand, and deepen my understanding.. This is gonna be fun!
It's funky the first few times. What you're aiming for is peak intake valve lift 106° after top-dead-center. Because of the roundness of the cam lobe you find peak lift, then find .050" before and after the peak, averaging the two numbers to find the intake centerline.

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