Slant Six Forum

How tight is the timing chain suppose to be?
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Author:  Jase [ Thu Apr 08, 2021 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  How tight is the timing chain suppose to be?

I've been futzing with a replacement timing chain this evening, and I am wondering how tight or lose it is supposed to be?

There is just a touch of slack on the coasting side, and the working side seems rather tight. Is this normal ? I am assuming it is, but figured I would ask.
Thanks, Jase

Author:  volaredon [ Thu Apr 08, 2021 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How tight is the timing chain suppose to be?

with all the talk about sloppy chains new and out of the box, it's weird to see a thread going the other way.
It's gonna be tight on the "pull" side no matter how sloppy the chain is..... as long as there is a little play in it somewhere and it isnt binding-tight youre probably OK.... It will wear some slop into it, plenty soon enough haha.... don't they all eventually?

Author:  Dart270 [ Fri Apr 09, 2021 8:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How tight is the timing chain suppose to be?

Sounds fine. As long as a tiny bit of slack, you should be fine.


Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Fri Apr 09, 2021 9:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How tight is the timing chain suppose to be?

My good race engine has a tiny bit of slack as well.

Rick Covalt went ahead and made a rub block style tensioner that fits into the timing cover to put tension on the chain slack .. I will see if I can dig up the documentation - It's probably in his 65 Valiant thread in the Virtual drag strip section.

Good Stuff.

Author:  Jase [ Fri Apr 09, 2021 8:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How tight is the timing chain suppose to be?

My good race engine has a tiny bit of slack as well.

Rick Covalt went ahead and made a rub block style tensioner that fits into the timing cover to put tension on the chain slack .. I will see if I can dig up the documentation - It's probably in his 65 Valiant thread in the Virtual drag strip section.

Good Stuff.
If anything I am on the tight side, but there is just a touch movement on the slack side. Guessing I am just being a bit OCD, as I was remembering the post Rick had started about his timing chain not fitting.. BUT I had it swapped in my mind and his chain was too tight. .

Next question: what type of lubricant to use on the timing chain, if the engine will sit for 3 months before the first start? I was originally thinking Bar and Chain oil, but that has all dripped off within 2 days.. I have some lubriplate assembly grease, tho I am not sure if I can work it into the links sufficiently to really be helpful. Open to any ideas or suggestions.

Author:  Rick Covalt [ Sat Apr 10, 2021 10:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How tight is the timing chain suppose to be?

The tighter the better on the stock type chains. It will definitely stretch. So long as it can be put in place you are good.

My chain guide is in my dodge truck and it has only been run a couple hundred miles. I will glad to see the oil filter when I cut it open in, say, 1000 miles or so. That will tell me what I need to know, I think.

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