Sad to report that the Port of Redwood City is still under COVID "lock-down" restrictions and does not want us using their parking lot or restrooms for the 2021 SL6 car show.
"Check with us next year" where the only encouraging words they had for us.
After 35+ years of doing a SF Bay Area Slant Six Meet we have reached a "transition point", mostly because the main organizer of the event, John Moran, passed away along with the difficulty caused by the pandemic.
I feel there is still strong SL6 interest and old membership in the area that will support a nice meet but it looks like we will need to find new organizer(s) and a new location to do this show.
We still have about 200+ names on our mailing list but list updates stopped in 2019 when John passed away.
Let Todd E. or myself know if you want to help keep this show going.