Slant Six Forum

Need help with my d150 slant six engine compartment.
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Author:  Slantsix83 [ Fri Jun 11, 2021 7:41 am ]
Post subject:  Need help with my d150 slant six engine compartment.

I need some help with my slant six. I currently have a 83 d150 slant six engine and manual transmission. So when i purchased the truck I didn't realized it had alot of missing parts until today when I tried to change the carburetor. Is there any way you could send me various pictures of the whole engine bay so I can figure out what's all missing. Also how to replace it back to stock. Thank you.

Author:  Reed [ Fri Jun 11, 2021 8:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Need help with my d150 slant six engine compartment.

Your best bet is to get a factory service manual for your specific year truck and get familiar with what should be in your engine bay. There are many on ebay right now for $30-$40 plus shipping.

Author:  volaredon [ Fri Jun 11, 2021 10:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Need help with my d150 slant six engine compartment.

What are you thinking is missing?
I'd reference it to an even older model.
To begin with the ignition setup that those came with was total crap shortly after they came out.
Many people retrofit to something more dependable.
And unless I lived in Cali, (which i don't) there's alot of "spare parts" under that hood, that I would chuck into the trash too.
And while I truly believe that the 72-93 dodge D and W series trucks were some of the best trucks made, they aren't exactly wort "original Hemicuda" money so I wouldn't worry about "chalk mark correctness" so to speak.
I have an 85 D150 with a slant in it too, and like yours mine came to me with some "missing parts" and not only will those parts stay "missing", my truck has "lost" a few more parts since I bought it. And they ain't gonna be put back on.

Author:  Slantsix83 [ Tue Jul 06, 2021 4:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Need help with my d150 slant six engine compartment.

What are you thinking is missing?
I'd reference it to an even older model.
To begin with the ignition setup that those came with was total crap shortly after they came out.
Many people retrofit to something more dependable.
And unless I lived in Cali, (which i don't) there's alot of "spare parts" under that hood, that I would chuck into the trash too.
And while I truly believe that the 72-93 dodge D and W series trucks were some of the best trucks made, they aren't exactly wort "original Hemicuda" money so I wouldn't worry about "chalk mark correctness" so to speak.
I have an 85 D150 with a slant in it too, and like yours mine came to me with some "missing parts" and not only will those parts stay "missing", my truck has "lost" a few more parts since I bought it. And they ain't gonna be put back on.
Okay I mean I see alot of empty hoses wires extra wiring etc.

Author:  volaredon [ Tue Jul 06, 2021 5:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Need help with my d150 slant six engine compartment.

Unless someone before had added aux lights, gauges, CB, light bar, etc/ I doubt they were extra wires when the truck was new. Is this some kind of a former public works truck or anything like that? Ive had a couple of ex cop vehicles... you wouldnt believe what they just cut with dykes, and left behind.
Otherwise these extra wires probably went to sensors and such.
Sensors and such that probably wouldn't be available anymore except from a donor truck. Where do you live? Someplace like California? If not then alot of that "extra" wiring can be weeded out. Has it been converted from Lean Burn or other "spark control" system? Without seeing it, all I can do is guess as to what you are talking about. Do you have a (factory) service manual for it that you can compare to? How much mechanical know how do you have?
Again where a bouts are you? We have members here all over, just maybe one of us can come by (or you can bring the truck to one of us if nothing else to lay eyes on it and make heads or tails out of what sounds like a mess.
I've owned several dodge trucks over the years, from '69 and up. And I'm a fleet mechanic, so I have been around a few more.
My personal 85 that I have now was a total train wreck in the wiring dept when I brought it home, it was so bad that I ripped it out and started over with another under hood harness pulled from a truck in better shape that I found in a local junkyard.

Author:  Reed [ Tue Jul 06, 2021 6:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Need help with my d150 slant six engine compartment.

If you can post good resolution pictures of the engine copartment and the disconnected wires and hoses and pictures of the areas around the carb and distributor, wwe might be able to help you more.

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