Slant Six Forum

Wanted A-Body freindly Pacific NW Body Worker
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Author:  MotoGrey [ Sun Jun 13, 2021 11:16 am ]
Post subject:  Wanted A-Body freindly Pacific NW Body Worker


I'm currently seeking a reasonably priced body worker to repair and paint the body of my black '62 Dodge Lancer GT
I drove it cross country from Pennsylvania in 2012 and would either like to make it what I want it to be or let it go to a like minded A body lover

Too many sudden changes in life demands immediate rectification.
In other words, I have lost my garage/ shop space ... NEED HELP!!!!!

I always give my slant six crew first shot at any offerings I have available.

Please contact me right away if interested
I must make immediate changes.

Thx, Moto

Author:  SpaceFrank [ Mon Jun 14, 2021 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wanted A-Body freindly Pacific NW Body Worker

It's a bit of a drive for you, but Rocket Restorations in Olympia, WA is the only place I know of offhand. I have no idea what their prices are. I just know that the owner occasionally races in Lemons, so he probably has a sense of humor and some appreciation for budget-limited work.

Maybe some more local-ish folks like Reed or Josh Skinner have more information about shops in that part of the country.

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