Slant Six Forum

2150 and a Bouchillon Kickdown
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Author:  Aaroneous [ Thu Sep 09, 2021 4:01 am ]
Post subject:  2150 and a Bouchillon Kickdown

I have a 1.08" 2150 feeding my 87 D150. I have recently purchased the Bouchillon universal kickdown kit. Their tech department offers no assistance for setup as they claim the kit is made for Holley and Carter carbs. I have read around this forum and a few of you claim to run the same setup. If you would be so kind, please post photos or advice to set it up properly

Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Thu Sep 09, 2021 8:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2150 and a Bouchillon Kickdown

If it's anything like a lokar Kit, it might require some dickering and creative parts manufacturing to work. Lokars are nice, I like them alot but they(some of the part#'s not all) are designed for 4 bbl specific situations.

I bet their advertising refers to a holley 4 bbl.


Author:  and739 [ Thu Sep 09, 2021 10:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2150 and a Bouchillon Kickdown

I have a 2150 with a Summit brand cable-actuated kickdown kit. I built a simple bracket for the throttle and kickdown cables that I can post pics of later if you think that will help.

Author:  Aaroneous [ Sun Sep 12, 2021 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2150 and a Bouchillon Kickdown

Thank you guys, i would appreciate any photos of the linkage and or brackets you guys have fabbed to make it all work

Author:  volaredon [ Tue Sep 21, 2021 5:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2150 and a Bouchillon Kickdown

I dunno the significance but I do know that many 4 barrels say that either a kit of some sort is needed to use a given carb on a ford engine, orb"this carb won't work for ford applications".
You're doing the opposite, using a ford based carb on something that isn't a Ford.
So I'm not surprised if you would need to do some modification to run that carb on our engines. Apparently doable because I see that alot of people run them.

On another note I've heard that you can go to the local junkyard and pull the cable and the lever it attaches to off of a junkyard refugee Jeep Grand Cherokee or a Dakota or a Durango and it's supposed to be pretty straight forward to adapt while also being much cheaper.
My son has (I think it's the) Bouchillon version of the lokar cable on 2 of his vehicles, and it looks awfully makeshift/ hodge podge to me.

Author:  and739 [ Tue Sep 21, 2021 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2150 and a Bouchillon Kickdown

I apologize for the delay, but here is the pic of the 2150 with the cable-operated kickdown with the bracket I made from 1/8" steel.
I hope this helps.

IMG_7815.JPG [ 66.04 KiB | Viewed 2899 times ]

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