Slant Six Forum

HELP! fuel and temp. gauge not workin
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Author:  greasy 225 [ Fri Aug 22, 2003 3:02 pm ]
Post subject:  HELP! fuel and temp. gauge not workin

My fuel and temp no longer work, is it probably the voltage limiter? Do these malfunction regularly? Would Napa or Auto Zone or Checker have them, were are they located? Sorry for all the questions it just has me stumped. The car is a '62 Valiant, thanks.

Author:  moparfiend [ Tue Aug 26, 2003 12:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

voltage limiter on the back of the gauge cluster .drop the steering column ,unscrew i think 6 screws holding the cluster. pull it out. unplug lights, wipers, and speedometer.limiter is top center. should be able to get it at any parts house

Author:  Guest [ Wed Aug 27, 2003 6:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

Actually, on a '62 the voltage regulator should be integral to the fuel gauge. Check out Chuck's article in the "articles" area on this site, it shows how to hook up the newer external VR to the older instrument panel. The best part is if your internal VR is totally dead, it should restore full functioning of the gauges. Might look into building a solid state 5v VR while your at it, all the parts are available at radio shack for about $5. There was a link here a while back to a great thread on as to how to do this. I've got all the parts ready, and just need to find time to put it together soon. :)

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