Slant Six Forum

Goofy problem with Gas Gauge, Put in new 5v regulator,
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Author:  gmader [ Tue Aug 26, 2003 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Goofy problem with Gas Gauge, Put in new 5v regulator,

Hi All,
I have got a 65 Barracuda, if that helps....
Okay, I put in a 7805 5v regulator to fix my bad gas gauge and temp gauge. The temp gauge works fine (just sat in my car in the garage, running the engine, to make sure it got warm.) However, the gas gauge is stillnot reading anything. I have 5v at the pole, and I think that I am getting a good connection at the Octal plug. Where do I look next?

a) tank sensor?

b) replacing the gauge?

c) ?????



Author:  Jopapa [ Tue Aug 26, 2003 1:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Check the sender with an ohmmeter between that and a good ground. If you have plenty of gas, there won't be much resistance. It's also possible the connection could be dirty or corroded. If that's fine, check the ground for the gas gauge at the wiring connector. Same thing, ohmmeter between that and a good ground. If both check out okay, it's likely the gauge.

One more thing to make sure of is that the pins on the PCB aren't broken. I soldered some bits of large copper wire into them through the back to add some strength. Helps a great deal. Make sure you grind the bits of wire sticking out of the back of the PCB before reassembling though, because they will ground out against the gauge cluster housing.

Author:  gmader [ Tue Aug 26, 2003 2:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Thanks, I will give this a try

Joy, I get to crawl under the Barracuda!



Author:  Eric W [ Tue Aug 26, 2003 3:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

If you had to replace the limiter, I assume it went bad and pegged the gas and temp gauge. You probably burned out the fuel gauge, since they are only designed to operate at 5V (actually a pulsing 12V equal to 5V). I think you just got lucky on the temperature gauge.

Author:  70valiant [ Tue Aug 26, 2003 3:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

I had the opposite problem when mine went. my fuel gauge worked but fried the temp gauge :roll:

Author:  Pierre [ Tue Aug 26, 2003 3:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

Take the wire out of the fuel sending unit on the tank and ground it, if the gauge pegs then it should be ok.

Author:  gmader [ Tue Aug 26, 2003 6:12 pm ]
Post subject:  I will have to report the results tomorrow

Hi All,

Well, my garage door opener gave up the ghost ( Hot weather, motor seized), so I have to attend to that tonight. I will try Pierre's trick, as well as the others, and report back my results tomorrow.

Thanks all. I cannot think of a more helpful and nice bunch of people out there. I am glad to be slant owner, just because of this. You guys are great.


Author:  Jopapa [ Tue Aug 26, 2003 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I will have to report the results tomorrow

I cannot think of a more helpful and nice bunch of people out there. I am glad to be slant owner, just because of this. You guys are great.
There's a real sense of community here among us. Even if we disagree on something, we (unlike many other boards I frequent) have the intelligence to actually debate both sides or to realize that many times a certain point of view is an opinion/preference. I love it here and plan to get a car with a slant that I can use as a DD while I'm in the service.

Author:  GuyLR [ Wed Aug 27, 2003 6:16 am ]
Post subject: 

There's another ground that I think the previous replies missed. It's the ground clip at the tank that jumps past the rubber fuel hose from the tank to the metal fuel line. without a good path to ground the sender can't complete the circuit.

Author:  gmader [ Wed Aug 27, 2003 9:18 am ]
Post subject:  It seems to be the Gauge! Replacements?

Hi all,

Okay, I tried Pierre's trick of grounding the gas tank sensor. No change! So, I probably need a new gauge. Any ideas on where I can find one that is reasonably priced, and availible? Is there a way to bodge up a more availible model?




Author:  Pierre [ Wed Aug 27, 2003 2:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

You might be able to get an aftermarket gauge and use that, mounting it underneath the dash. Otherwise, you gotta go junkyard scrounging or post in the want adds.

Author:  RMDV [ Thu Aug 28, 2003 10:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re-broken gas gauge

You can get one at Wildcat Auto Wrecking in Sandy, OR. Their web site address is "". They are a good bunch of guys to deal with. Good luck. RMDV.

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