Slant Six Forum

clifford 6 into 2 header questions
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Author:  noisydart [ Fri Aug 29, 2003 2:32 am ]
Post subject:  clifford 6 into 2 header questions

Have a 69 Dart- I want to install some Clifford 2 part headers. I have power steering, column shift and power master cylinder. Am willing to lose the power m/c and the column shift if necessary. Have not heard good things about Clifford "customer service" so I'm asking you guys about this slant 6 question.

Author:  Doc [ Fri Aug 29, 2003 9:57 am ]
Post subject: 

If your question is will these headers fit, the answer is... may-be. :roll:
The trouble is that all tube steel headers are basically hand made, using jigs and fixtures, there is always some variation to deal with. Granted, a good initial design is key to reducing the fit problems introduced by production varations and some of the Clifford sets were well designed.
(The 60-66 3 X 2 were not, at least the ones that dropped the front 3 tubes through the K-frame legs and low under the car)

Here is a better question, can you even purchase a set anymore? Last word I had is that Clifford had dropped many of the long tube 3 X 2 headers, seems like the "shorties" are the only ones they still offer.

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