Slant Six Forum

Weight Loss Ideas?
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Author:  87Slant_sickness [ Sat Aug 30, 2003 8:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Weight Loss Ideas?

hahaha i guess for me and the car ;)

i really need help on this though. i want this car to rest easily in the 15's with a 265lbs driver, the car weighs 3660lbs with me in it and a full tank of unleaded.i really want to get this thing on a diet (and myself) i want the car to weight 3500lbs with me in it and a full tank.

anyone have any ideas on how to "lose" weight? i was thinking of ripping out the carpets (trunk and interior) and just going with metal floors in my daily driver (or finding something like speaker carpet that is light) when i race, i'll take the spare tire out of the trunk along with my subwoofer. other than the carpet thing i'm really out of ideas, i want to keep the back seat (however the back doors will be gutted and welded up shut in the car b/c i dont like backseat drivers :lol: :lol: )

also anyone got any diet ideas for one guy that just cant seem to lose weight? :( :roll: :roll:


Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sat Aug 30, 2003 9:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Lose the seat, and padding....

The back seat's got to come out, and those mid to late 70's cars had lots of insulation and sound deadener in them. After that, you'd need some aluminum rims. Run less gas in the tank, go on a diet, take a wizz before the event, pull the glove box, pull any unnecessary trim. If your car has a cardboard headliner, pull it and dump all the insulation off the top of it. Breathe helium. But whatever you do don't paint it Panther Pink with a Rainbow Striped bumper, everyone will think you're light in the loafers...but the scale won't :lol:

You could also ditch most of the exhaust pipe too, it's got some weight to it....


Author:  Slanted73 [ Sat Aug 30, 2003 9:56 pm ]
Post subject:  aluminum panels in the floor?

I suppose you could use aluminum panels in some sections like the floor. I've seen it done, but don't know what's available for direct bolt in.

Author:  Pierre [ Sat Aug 30, 2003 10:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

Scrape the undercoating from the bottom? Use a smaller battery, maybe from a riding lawnmower or motorcycle. Remove alternator.

Btw, what car is this ?

Author:  87Slant_sickness [ Sun Aug 31, 2003 10:55 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey this is my Daily driver 1980 Volare 4dr. i dont really wanna rip the interior apart, i can live with no backseat (i was thinking of getting a set of buckets or something so its not so "bare" in the back area. i'm out of ideas on how to still have it looking decent and be a "daily driver" but also stripping weight, i'm staying with a 7.25 rear i'm going to have 3.23SG in it, if i blow the rears they're cheap in yards around here so i'll just keep replacing them!

i have a pair of aluminum CragerSS's that i'm thinking of using (aught to be alittle lighter) and i am going to take all the sound deadner out (puh, i cant hear anything but the exhaust anyways even if i crank my 500watt system up to 23on the hwy :shock:


these things still have bumper shocks right? i was thinking of doing what Elam did to his Dart Sports bumpers :), if i can find out exacly what he did, dont quite remember :(

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